Happy time with the fam

Dec 27, 2009 01:17

Merry day after Christmas! Hope everyone's been having a wonderful weekend. It's been a bit of a marathon here...

Got into town Thursday afternoon went to the obligatory church pageant because the nieces were in it - elder 6yo niece blanked on her lines that she had memorized for weeks and fled into the audience and cried. The other kids of course didn't know what to do so time kinda stopped for a little while there, but my niece left with her mom and then came back later as a little shepherd and was totally fine. Poor thing though. She gets so caught up in making sure things are perfect that it's a national disaster when things go wrong. She was totally fine the rest of the night though, as if it had never happened. Dinner was had with nieces and their parents and then I crashed after getting up that morning at 3:30 to get to the airport.

Christmas day involved going over to see the girls with their presents from Santa and then going over to my SIL's parents' place for dinner. Very nice, got to catch up with my eldest brother a bit since he wasn't the one doing the cooking and there were plenty of adults to keep an eye on the kidlings. Best mince pie evar. Don't know if anyone else eats that, but one of the in-laws' uncles makes it and it is delicious. (Also, my SIL's dad asked me about my boyfriend - no one in my family ever says a peep about my single status or getting married, having kids, etc. but here he is trying to get me set up with a guy. Heh. I will blame the heavy medication he was on for the mess his back was in. Of course someone had to be in need of surgery during the holidays. Just wouldn't be the holidays without needing hospital visits, right??)

Then today we waited until other brother flew in with his wife and we had our Christmas and Christmas dinner. Yum. Yay for mom's cooking. Definitely nostalgic making. Later one of the niece's made a bed for herself out of the wrapping paper. Pretty cute. She also decided other brother needed two bows on his head. Many photos were taken of that. :) (It is so weird at my parents house without Archie. D: ) Oh, and we went out for a teeny bit of shopping and the gal who rang me up acted like I was making her life insanely difficult for not wanting to give my zip code, etc. that they always ask you for these days. Ugh. I think she even said 'sheesh' like I was some crazy conspiracy theorist and thought people were out to get me via my zip code. I know that retail sucks, especially during the holiday season, but dude, don't be rude to me and then be all, 'Have a nice day!!!' I don't think so, chicka. That one little transaction nearly ruined my day. It was such a ridiculous thing to freak out over. I opt out of that all the time. /rant

Tomorrow is littlest niece's birthday so there'll be another dinner at the in-law's house. With gifts. And wild nieces flailing about. Heh. ---Still really glad I don't have kids. Sorry, moms, just am. So there's that and possibly going to see the Princess and the Frog...

And it's my parents 40th wedding anniversary on New Year's Eve (along with my oldest brother's regular anniversary.)

So...It's like a week of holidays and craziness. Bring on the relaxing, plz? Heh.

Hope things are going well for everyone!

niece!, urgh, the fam, christmas

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