A Post of Kitties Past

Nov 20, 2009 22:36

The deed was done today. :(

I am all cried out for the moment so let us have some adorable kitty photos instead.

My middle brother - the computer geek - was kind enough to make this when my laptop went kaput three years ago. :) And actually he was quite a concerned kitty - though not as concerned as Rascal (below) often was. If I was upset or stressed or just moving around too much, Rascal would come and meow and give *worriedface* a lot. He was adorable like that. Always made me feel like somebody cared no matter what.

This was a common spot for Archie. He loved cardboard boxes. He would have been a fabulous homeless kitty as he would have been happy with nothing but a cardboard box. He fit best in one of those large 24 soda can boxes, the long shallow kind, like when you get a whole case of soda at Costco? But often he would try to get in the smaller 8" x 8" satsuma orange/tangerine boxes. Believe me when I say, HE DID NOT FIT in those smaller boxes, but he would sleep scrunched up in them anyway. Our kitchen was not complete without a cardboard box for Archie to sleep in. He also used them as scratching posts which my mom was blissfully pleased about when we bought new furniture. This is why the long soda boxes worked so well: he would stand on one end, scratch, and then lie down. Our kitchen/dining room was also not complete without tatters of cardboard strewn about. Thx, Arch.

The rare, wild Archie on the prowl. Our other cats brought us birds to the back porch. Archie? Never. If you tried to act like you were going to pounce on him or play attack, he would roll over and show his belly. :) As my dad liked to say, he's a lover not a fighter.

The never ending sniffing - as I'm sure you cat owners are familiar with. I would swear this cat was a dog in his past life. He's always acted more dog-like that cat-like, especially when he'd lie on his stomach with his legs stretched straight out behind him like he had no hip bones. Silly.

Also courtesy of my middle brother - he's four years older than me, by the by, so don't think this is the tomfoolery of a teenager. ;) - he did this way back when that phrase was going around everywhere. I think it's a brilliant photo. And totally captures the Archie yawn of death.

Took this one myself. It's always been my favorite since it captures that softness of his coat so well. We were cleaning the carpet and had put the furniture out on the front balcony... Archie of course managed to find a comfy spot amidst the piled up furniture. :)

This is Rascal, my first buddy. We had him and Shanta (bottom pic) since I was in like kindergarten, up until probably around my third or fourth year of college. Didn't Archie until Rascal and Shanta were grumpy old kitties. But Rascal was such a scaredy cat from the beginning and I was one of the only people he wouldn't get scared around. I was often the one who had to hunt him down to go to the vet.

More Rascal. What a sweetie. Loud when he wanted to be - like in the car to go to the vet - but such a loud purr too. You could hear him in the next room sometimes.

You can't hardly see her, but Shanta's at the top of the stairs. All gray and the bitchiest bitch you ever did meet (and even better? Her name means 'peace'). But she mellowed a bit with age, thankfully. She's the one we had to warn people not to pet, heh. She's actually sleeping in Rascal's favorite spot - easy to watch the stairs from to see who's coming so he could run away - so I don't know how she got him to give it up.

So this is my tiny gang (sans one we got who ran away after the first couple years). They're all gone now, but they'll always be sorely missed. Thanks for taking a peek with me and surviving the ramble. :)

archie-poodle, the state of me, kitzycats!

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