The Sunday night drabbles appear to be making a habit of themselves.
Characters: Darla, Lindsey, Angelus
Rating: G
Spoilers: Season 2!
Word Count: 100
Disclaimer: Owned by persons not me.
Summary: Darla may be new to humanity, but she's got her old intuition all the same.
The coffee feels strong. Feels warm in her hands. She’s not sure if this bitter taste actually means that it’s strong since she’s never really tasted coffee like this, but it does feel strong.
She likes that.
Even human again, Darla finds herself enjoying that aspect of it.
Lindsey’s there hovering and most of the time, she doesn’t think of him as strong, but Darla can tell Angelus would say the boy has hidden depths.
She supposes that must be true, Lindsey going through all this to bring her here.
All this to get to Angelus. Or at least closer...
Characters: Faith/Willow
Rating: PG-13
Warnings: Hints of femmeslash
Spoilers: Spoilers for BtvS S7
Word Count: 100
Disclaimer: Owned by persons not me.
Summary: A witch and a Slayer, who would have thought it?
The roots of Red’s hair are starting to grow out, deep red showing above the white.
Faith kinda likes it. Doesn’t look like she’s hooking up with granny when they go out anymore.
Not to mention all the symbolical crap, layers, evil within sorta stuff.
Faith knows there’s fuckin’ naughty stuff beneath that white hat exterior.
But...she’ll admit that she likes Will’s sweet side. The side that patches Faith up, even when Faith gives her shit about caring.
Yeah, she’ll admit to liking both the light and the dark on that girl. But only when she’s feeling sleepy know.