Drabble-ganza 3 - #50 House/Wilson/Cuddy

Jul 10, 2008 19:31

Last one, kids. I know these haven't all been drabbles, but it's been a good ganza, I think. Some new pairings, challenging pairings, and some old friends. Thanks for playing, yo.

For kayla926 who asked for House/Wilson/Cuddy to round out this third set of fifty. Enjoy!

Uhh, PG? There's some angst. Or a lot. Depending on how optimistic you are. Heavy on the spoilers for the end of season 4, Wilson's Heart. 272wds.


It wasn't that he didn't want to breathe, it just didn't seem all that important looking at that empty stretch of bed beyond Cuddy.

"He'll be back, House," Cuddy said, leaning her cheek gently on his shoulder, careful not to overdo the cuddling. That had been Wilson's forte and lately if there was too much, it prompted a burst of House's most biting sarcasm - and he actually felt bad about it afterwards seeing Cuddy screw up her face into one that said it didn't matter and she would put on a brave face because she knew he was in pain. This was an incredibly bad sign; Cuddy coddling him *and* him feeling remorse. Leave it to Wilson to cause such utter disarray in his annoyingly organized wake.

They had both felt Wilson's absence after Amber's death, but...House found it unbearable. House watched Cuddy's eyelids eventually slip closed after several hours, and in an act of frustrating compassion, he turned off the alarm so that she might actually get more than a couple of hours of sleep even if it would mean missing her precious meeting. She'd sacrificed too much for House lately and he wouldn't have her health hanging over his fucking head too.

She would leave him soon anyway. Without Jimmy, they weren't really...well, they weren't really anything. House sucked in a deep breath and tried to shift into a more comfortable position without waking Cuddy. He stared up at the ceiling with his fingers dragging lightly over her shoulder and knew that there wouldn't be any last minute save on this dying...relationship.

He'd really fucked things up this time.

Last one for this set, no more to claim! Thanks to everyone who participated/commented. It was fun.

my fic, house/wilson/cuddy, series: drabble-ganza 3

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