Fic: Numb3rs (David/Colby)

Jun 16, 2008 21:28

More Numb3rs fic! You all are going to abandon me as a lost cause, aren't you?

Fandom: Numb3rs
Spoilers: Season 3, episode 7
Pairing: David Sinclair/Colby Granger
Rating: G
Warnings: None
Disclaimer: Not mine, CBS, Tony and Ridley Scott et al own their asses.
Word Count: 200
Summary: I’m your partner man, if there’s something on your mind, just let me know.
Author's Note: This follows the canon timeline, so it's a prequel to the two other ficlets I've posted.

It Cuts Both Ways

After a year of working together, David’s starting to get that he can trust Colby Granger. Honestly? He hadn’t really thought it was going to work out as far as partnerships went.

Colby’s risky, thorough, determined. A pit bull once he got his teeth sunk into something. David’s more...circumspect. Which is probably not a word Granger even uses on a yearly basis. Not that the man is by any means dumb.

...Just a little dense.

Yeah, David often wonders if Colby might ever look at him they way he does Megan. Hell, the way he does any woman.

But. Doesn’t matter. They’re partners and that means not mooning and crushing like some silly teenager. He trusts Colby to have his back, and he’s pretty sure Colby knows he can do the same. It would have to be enough.

All the more reason why it rankles him when Granger shuts him out. Mostly-Not because Colby has to share and share alike everything. No, it isn’t that, it’s just-- That stupid little ache in his chest that Colby doesn’t trust him as much as he trusts Colby. Yeah. That’s it.

Guess sometimes it’s a good thing the man can be so dense.

A/N 2: I haven't seen season 4, please try not to spoil me in the comments. Thx!

colby/david, my fic, tv: numb3rs

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