Drabble-ganza 3 - #44 George, Dead Like Me

May 13, 2008 21:37

For dancinbutterfly who asked for Dead Like Me/Lost - specifically Boone's death. So that right there should tell you there are spoilers for S1 of Lost. There's some Jack/Boone that I tossed in there. No angst in this one though, not really. Told from George's POV. George being a girl in this case.

PGish. I don't think I need to warn for anything here. If you'd like your own crazy request, please see The Rules below if you're new. 215wds.


Well this was one job George never wanted. Rube had said Mason would be too noticeable in such close quarters for too long. Ditto for Daisy. And well, Roxy, what the hell was Roxy going to do on a fucking desert island for months even with souls flying like...well, flies?

George poked at the fire, listening vaguely as people rushed around. Yup, right on time. It’s too bad, the guy was kind of cute, actually.

“Go away,” the also cute doctor guy had told her. But she sat down anyway. It was her job.

Funny thing, the doctor was nearly sobbing, and this guy never sobbed. Never. Not in the history of this plane crash had she seen this guy break down. But then she saw his hand brush some leaf or whatever out of Dying Guy’s face, and woah... He was crying. Honest to God crying and squeezing Dying Guy’s hand like he’d forgotten she was there. Doctor Guy had it bad.

You know, Rube was lucky her watch batteries hadn’t died after all that salt water and everything. Maybe she could just...give ‘em a couple minutes, you know? Dying Guy wasn’t going anywhere. He was still going to die. Just... a little later.

Aww, look at that. See, a little kissing never hurt anybody.

The next prompt is Eclipse.

The Rules: The first to comment will get a drabble within the week. Fandoms I will write in for sure: Angel, Buffy, House, and RPS from those shows. Fandoms I have less experience with but will give a go: Alias, Lost, Heroes, Dead Like Me, The O.C., and Firefly. I haven't written in Numb3rs, Dark Angel, Pushing Daisies, CSI or Wonderfalls, but if you'd like them or some other fandom you think I might be familiar with then feel free to ask. Crossovers are welcome. If there's *really* something you want in your drabble, you can request it, but really, all you have to do is give me a pairing. ...But a comment would be nice. I'm not a vending machine, you know. Oh, and if you get a drabble one night, you don't get another drabble the next time if you're first again. I like you guys to share in the drabble love.

my fic, tv: dead like me, series: drabble-ganza 3, tv: lost, fic: crossover, jack/boone

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