Drabble-ganza 3 - #8 Chase/Sawyer (House/Lost crossover)

Oct 13, 2007 12:33

Okay...Erm. So I forget who mentioned these two together, but I've been thinking of writing them for awhile and here was my chance... Been poking at this one for awhile too and I'm not entirely sure it's ready, but hey, here it is. :) Set pre-series for both Lost and House, M.D. Around six hundred words.


“Fuck,” the scruffy, long-haired man kicked at a trash can at the side of the pub, leg swinging wide angrily. “Hey, kid, you got a light?”

“Don’t smoke, sorry.”

“What kind of backwards country is this? Goddamnit.” The man seemed to lose his steam at that and slump against the wall where Chase was taking in a breath of fresh air. “‘Course you don’t. Jesus,” came another mumbled retort.

“Look, mate, maybe you need some coffee, not a smoke,” Chase said trying to be casual, but crossing his arms in defense, looking away. Looking away from the shaggy, but well-muscled man next to him.

It seemed darker outside than it should have and the unshaven man slumped up against the wall next to Chase, his entire body smelling like Jack and maybe the faintest hint of sugary sweet soda. Chase shifted from one foot to the other and slid his hands into his pockets. The man just kept standing there, silence and chill ticking on next to Chase. When the man’s head turned to Chase, that’s when he knew the guy wasn’t going away.

“Name’s Sawyer. Got a hotel for another night or two...you feel like making it more accomm-o-dating?”

“You think I’m a-”

“If the shoe fits, darlin’. Pretty boy like you standing around outside a bar in the dark...” ‘Sawyer’ said leering up and down the length of Chase.

Chase opened his mouth and shook his head in disbelief, turning his head the other way, and rubbing his arms against the cool night breeze.

“I’m waiting for my date.”

“Sure ain’t a girl, is it, place like this.” Sawyer’s eyebrow’s practically waggled.

Chase made a face at the completely-over-stepping-his-bounds man and looked straight ahead, ignoring him.

“Aww, c’mon, I didn’t hurt your feelings now, did I, Captain Kangaroo?” Chase didn’t look over. “What? You really think this date of yours is coming?” Still no look. “You’ve been standing out here an hour, easy.” Chase could just feel the smug look coming off of Sawyer at this revelation that he seemed to think proved him right.

Chase just shrugged, pushing his hands deeper in his pockets, still staring straight ahead. “And you’re wasted. What makes you think I’d have any better time with you than my so far non-existent date?”

Chase wasn’t aware of when Sawyer got so close, but suddenly he was, completely in Chase’s line of vision and Chase could see the rough stubble along his jaw even in the dark now. “Don’t worry, sailor, it’ll be better than standing out here freezing your balls off.” Chase could feel his breath catch, those confident eyes transfixing him. “Or whatever it is they call ‘em Down Under.” The wicked gleam in Sawyer’s eye told Chase he didn’t care a bit.

“Alright. Lead the way. Sawyer.” Chase said, clearing his throat, hands still in his pockets.

- - -

The trail of clothes from the door to the bed - they almost hadn’t gotten the door shut when Sawyer’s shirt got trapped in it - made it pretty clear that Chase hadn’t had a bad time at all.

Chase’s back was bruised, Sawyer’s knees and palms and arse had rug burns, the bed was a wreck, but all in all... Not a bad night. Certainly made graduating med school seem a little less stressful.

Chase glanced over as Sawyer lit up - there was a convenient packet of matches from the hotel available now - and nicked a smoke from him. “You mind?”

“Thought you didn’t smoke.” Sawyer quirked a brow, hand possessive on Chase’s cigarette as he lit it with his own.

Chase lounged back against the pillows and blew a nice billow of smoke into the room. “I lied.”

The next prompt is Red

A/N: I'm just doing these for me. Whatever pairing strikes my fancy. Not givin' 'em out this time. Enjoy. :)

tv: house, my fic, chase/sawyer, series: drabble-ganza, tv: lost, fic: crossover

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