Drabble-ganza 3 - #6 Vaughn/Sark

Sep 16, 2007 10:29

Go me, being up early and productive with the house cleaning again today! I haven't felt this...able to do things in a while. I'm calling it a good thing. And with that, another drabble. From like almost two months ago. Woo!

More Alias. Michael Vaughn and his evil counterpart, Julian Sark. Totally nothing spoilery about this. They're kind of a Lindsey/Angel pairing in my mind. But with more smugness on Sark's part. Okay, so they're more of a House/Wilson pairing, if you know, Wilson could use a gun. And you know, they're pretty. ;) Anyway. Here they are. NOT a drabble. ;)


"Why do you have to be such a coward?” Vaughn yelled over the roar of the storm.


“Why can’t you just die and be done with it?”

“Pardon?” Sark clung to the boat rail as the ship was tossed, a mouse in the paws of a hungry cat.

“If you’d just die, we wouldn’t have to keep running into each other. We wouldn’t have to keep doing this,” Vaughn shouted, face covered in tears of rain.

“You really want me dead?” Sark’s brow was smooth as it always was, the confusion hidden in his voice, not displayed on his face. A spy couldn’t wear their heart on their sleeve. Not like Michael. Not like he did when he was with Julian Sark.

“No. I want to stop wanting to run into you. I want to stop worrying if you’re okay. I want to stop having to worry if this is going to be the time that I have to kill you.” The storm tried to drown out Vaughn’s words, but he wouldn’t let it, forced them out. Pushed them at Sark and left them dangling, damp and soggy.

Sark’s hand snapped on top of Vaughn’s clutching more than just the railing. “Don’t worry, love. I wouldn’t dream of giving you the opportunity.” There was Sark’s Cheshire Cat grin. The one that made Vaughn slip forward so their bodies could be close while the storm waged war. Afterwards, it would be every man for himself, their tangled lives pushed aside again, but for now... Vaughn hoped the torrent of water and wind planned on staying for quite awhile.

The next prompt is Wings

A/N: I'm just doing these for me. Whatever pairing strikes my fancy. Not givin' 'em out this time. Enjoy. :)

my fic, vaughn/sark, tv: alias, series: drabble-ganza 3

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