"So learned but so misinformed..."

Sep 05, 2007 23:03


Man of La Mancha!

Loved it!

Don Quixote is my hero!

"Facts are the enemy of truth!"

"Why get well when one is dying? What a waste of good health."

Excellent show. The music was wonderful, even if Dream the Impossible Dream isn't my favorite song ever. I've only heard it once before this...knowingly, and it just...doesn't do it for me. Still it all goes together nicely. Funny bits and angsty bits. Naughty bits and somewhat overdramatic bits. But all in all a good show.

Sancho/Don Quixote = Faithful Servant/Master Love :)

I hate to say it, but I was totally imagining the Angel gang in the characters. First King Tut ancient Egypt, and now the Spanish Inquisition brooding hero... when will the bizarre AUs end?

bunnies, stage: man of la mancha

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