Drabble-ganza 2 - #48 Lindsey/Angel/Spike, or thereabouts

Aug 07, 2007 19:41

For sweptawaybayou. I pared and pared and pared, but I'm still 8 words over, alas. :) She suggested Angel/Lindsey and some Spike for


Angel had been good. He’d been a fucking angel, and now...

He watched them stoically, white on golden tan. You would have thought another angel had come to Lindsey McDonald.

He had been so good! But all he really had to do was treat the bastard worse than dirt, it seemed. The hell with them.

Angel’s erection strained, unattended, their grunts coiling around him. Wet, slick grunts that made him want to fuck and vomit simultaneously.

If they weren’t out of his bed when he got back, he was going to stake one and snap the other’s neck. He just wasn’t sure which he’d do what to.

The next prompt is Victory.

Your Mission: The first to comment will get a drabble within the week. Throw me a fandom, crossover, rps, anything. If I don't know the fandom, I'll let you know. If there's *really* something you want in your drabble, you can request it, but really, all you have to do is give me a pairing. Oh, and if you get a drabble one night, you don't get another drabble the next time if you're first. I like you guys to share in the drabble love.

my fic, angel/lindsey/spike, series: drabble-ganza 2

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