Drabble-ganza 2 - #38 Angelus/William

Jul 12, 2007 20:36

A little something not particularly porny unfortunately for sassyskunk. She requested Angelus/William for


He really hadn’t planned on staying in London so long, but that misguided twit of a boy had caught Dru’s eye and...

Lord, give him strength, he was sorry for once that he’d made her a vampire that day.

Angelus eyed the length of William as he lie in the dirt, clothes mucked up finally, body not so stiff as when he’d been alive.

What a waste of fresh blood.

But perhaps, he could find a use for him somehow, Angelus thought as his eyes grazed those fine hands and pursed mouth. Yes, perhaps he could be useful for something.

The next prompt is Share.

Your Mission: The first to comment will get a drabble within the week. Throw me a fandom, crossover, rps, anything. If I don't know the fandom, I'll let you know. If there's *really* something you want in your drabble, you can request it, but really, all you have to do is give me a pairing. Oh, and if you get a drabble one night, you don't get another drabble the next time if you're first. I like you guys to share in the drabble love.

my fic, series: drabble-ganza 2, angelus/william

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