Fic: Various first kisses

Jun 24, 2007 22:02

I don't know if any one is particularly interested, but I finally finished all the bits from the First!Kiss Meme I did and thought I'd re-post.


Vaguely from our doctors_demons 'verse:

Wes finds James in his office, the sight a familiar one, though not to his eyes. Wilson's got his head bent, nose stuck in papers, not even looking up when the door closes.


"Hmm?" Confused eyes look up, the moniker so unfamiliar Wilson wonders who could have said it. A smile, a small, careful, contained one spreads quickly though. "Hey. You're a sight for sore eyes," Wilson says, leaning back in his chair, rubbing a hand over his tired face.


Wilson looks up at Wesley confused, wondering why he's calling his name again. There's an expectant look on Wesley's face as if Wilson's supposed to remember something. Remember something involving Wesley.

"Oh, shit. I'm so sorry..." Wilson runs a hand through his hair and gets up to move around the desk. Wesley sets a few boxes of take-out on Wilson's desk, look on his face threatening to spill into a smile or possibly a sad, resigned look. "Our date...I'm so sorry. I was nervous and tried to drown myself in work. Looks like it worked... a little too well." Wilson's face is obviously contrite, and Wesley isn't mad. He'd called first to confirm with James and found him not home. He's aware it wasn't a rejection, even if little voices are saying it might as well be.

"I'm sorry, I really am," Wilson says, stepping closer, eyes pleading. "I'll make it up to you," he says, tentatively reaching out a hand to slip into Wesley's. It's a safe gesture for them.

"Yes, yes you will," Wesley says, mouth barely moving, leaning in slowly, time-stopping slowly, before pressing his lips to James'. "But I brought dinner. We might as well eat here," Wesley says, slightly breathless, heart pounding, worried that James will bolt any second and never come back, except of course he'll come back, this is his office-

"We might as well," Wilson agrees with a rasp to his voice Wesley has never heard before, knocking him out of his terror. Which is just as well since he finds himself with tentative lips on his moments later.

"Yes," Wesley breathes when James' mouth is gone, "Yes, we might as well."


It was all teeth and tongues, each of them vying for dominance, Hamilton's hand flicking Angel's belt open without so much as a struggle. Angel bit down hard on Hamilton's lip to keep back the moan that wanted out when Hamilton's hand wrapped around his dick.

Angel's hands gripped Hamilton's head tightly, kissing him ruthlessly and bucking into Hamilton's fist, rutting in the tight hold until he came splattering his own suit more more than the tall behemoth's jerking him off.

Angel shoved Hamilton away hard and stuffed his cock back in his slacks, seemingly unprepared for what had just transpired

"So we won't be having sex behind that couch anytime soon, as I said," Hamilton preened with a smirk, licking a few drops from his fingers, his Armani unnaturally unwrinkled.

"Yeah, thanks for dispensing with the foreplay, Marcus. Eve really was more high-maintenance. Now get out." It was Angel's turn to smirk. He'd gotten his end off and Hamilton was getting nothing. If he even was able to. These new models of liaisons, all work and no play, it seemed like to Angel. "Maybe you can do that again some time," Angel called after Hamilton's glare and retreating back.

"I've never seen you here before," Sean said casually.

"Never been," Alan said with a tentative smile. "My first time," he said shyly and totally out of character for the Alan Sean thought he knew.

"You look good," Sean said, raking his eyes over Alan shamelessly, and watching as a sweet blush crept up his cheeks.

"Yeah, I wasn't sure if the collar was over the t-"

"This your boy?" The big leather-clad man eater rumbled in Sean's direction, eyes all over Alan's slim, unassuming body. Alan's eyes were on the floor, completely, but unfortunately submissive, and Sean knew if he didn't do something quick, Alan was going to be in a world of trouble. Alan would not be wanting his first time in one of these places to be with a guy like that.

"Yeah, that's my slut, but he's not for sharing tonight," Sean said, raising an eyebrow at the guy, then grabbing Alan, and giving him a long, tongue-filled kiss until he felt the big guy and his posse turn away.

"Not for sharing ever..." Sean said breathlessly when they parted, far more possessively than he intended, but he wasn't sorry when he saw Alan's eyes wide with want and hope.


He didn’t intend to. She certainly didn’t, but there they are lips melding together. Wesley seeming to be in the dominant position, but that was merely a trick of the eye, convenience of position, and Wesley knew it would be switched as soon as Faith had a mind to.

She had come out of the shower, he had turned, and their mouths were there. Or their faces were. Her lips slightly parted to ease the pressure on the huge split gaping red across her lip, and her shoulders still shining with little drops of moisture. Wesley had almost been too mesmerized by the sheen of her skin and the soft feminine smell that wasn’t anything like dust or ash or dirt that always seemed to cling to her like a musky death shroud.

But her eyes had glanced at his, then his mouth, and Wesley seemed to be kissing her. If she hadn’t wanted it to happen in some small part she wouldn’t have looked at his mouth like that, he reasoned.

His tongue probed her lips and surprisingly she let him in- and that was when he drew back, too shocked to let the fantasy go further. Faith let him in. Wesley’s eyes searched hers and found them as surprisingly confused as his own.

Perhaps it wouldn’t turn out to be such an awful mistake after all.


"My God, you're a pretty thing," Lilah murmur with that cat-like smile before tilting her head and pressing her lips against smaller warmer ones. Her fingers were already threaded in Fred's hair to keep her from moving around too much. Couldn't have that. Not until Lilah got a response back.

"No wonder Wesley liked you. I always did wonder," Lilah said, smirking at Fred and then getting up to amble around her little penthouse in the sky. Fred laid spread out on the bed, limbs tied up. The thing was, no ever mention it, but the rules in death were much the same as in life. Only you were dead. And Lilah had just found Fred wandering around homeless, fresh and new to the place. Lilah could never resist a lost little lamb.

"You'll like it here, Winifred," Lilah murmured, kissing Fred once more before replacing the soft gag and blindfold and slipping off her robe. Once Wesley got here, things would be perfect. And unfortunately for Wesley that would be soon, Lilah thought as she curled up next to Fred, hand curling around her breast and her head lying on one tiny, bony shoulder. They'd try the little schoolgirl routine tomorrow once Fred got more acclimatized.


Wilson was berating House about something or another again. He really wasn't listening.

"...and you know you can't-"

"Do you ever shut up?"

"What? Would you stop being a jackass and listen to m- mpfh."

Wilson actually had nice lips. House could see how women liked kissing him. His hand slid up the front of Wilson's shirt - purely for distraction - and when he got to a nipple, he rubbed his thumb in circles as he slipped his tongue between Wilson's lips. Boy, the guy was pretty eager for being straight, House thought, smirking as he got a moan from Wilson. Finally when Wilson's hand came up to the back of his neck, House pulled away slowly, still smirking because how the hell else was he supposed to keep Wilson from noticing that he was half hard.

There was hurt in Wilson's eyes, and House was sorry for that, but there was really nothing he could do. It wasn't as though this could happen. "My God, you're a bastard," Wilson muttered before leaving House's office.


His mouth was full of hard dick when he woke, the fresh sweat and stench of previously being human still clinging to him. Eyes caught in dark, wiry hair, leather, metal, the clank of a belt buckle before flashing up to wine-flowing silk and evil pure and smooth as the blade of a knife. Wesley swallowed hard at the rough strokes and then sucked eagerly as the pounding thrusts went a little wild, his name floating to his ears. Hell, he wanted to bite, but sucking worked too. Sucked deep and hard until there was a throaty, "Good boy," and a cool flood in his mouth.

"Couldn't wait until you woke up," came before Wes was pulled away from the lolly he was still happily suckling.

"Angelus," Wesley whispered with a thrill of lust and hunger before fangs ripped into his lips, his own returning the favor and sucking greedily at his former friend's mouth.

A little teen AU. :)

She usually saw him from across the field when they'd both be taking the shortcut through the abandoned lot to get to their not-so-nice neighborhood. Angel was popular, Tara was...invisible. He always smiled and gave her a wave though before they split into the woods if he was around. She got the feeling he would've run to any girl's rescue if something had happened.

There was a party. Her friend Willow invited everyone. She and her boyfriend Oz seemed to draw every kind of clique to a crowd. Wandering through the plastic cups and fertility goddesses, Tara saw Angel in a gaggle of cheerleaders across the room. He winked. She felt the corner of her mouth turn up even as she bit her lip and ducked her head, blushing to the tips of her hair.

She didn't know how it happened, but there she was sitting in a circle for a drunken game of spin the bottle. He, Angel, spun. It was just about to land when there was a loud crash in the kitchen. Everyone's eyes moved but hers. His hand was on the bottle moving it from the girl next to her to...Tara. She smiled, bit her lip, but didn't duck her head this time. By the time everyone looked back, Tara and Angel were kissing, sweet and soft, his hand on her cheek.

angelus/vamp!wes, angel/tara, wes/faith, alan/sean, fred/lilah, fic: rps, wes/wilson, house/wilson, angel/hamilton

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