Not exactly a year end fic round up, but...

Jan 15, 2007 22:15 I mentioned earlier, I was thinking about Wash/River, and I looked back at the fic I'd writter before, and decided it was really good, and that maybe I should repost it. Then I got to thinking maybe I should do a Top Ten List of my favorite of the fics I've written. Then I started looking and somehow couldn't pick just ten. Here's a Top Twenty list. Ish. :) Enjoy. :) For some reason, I feel like I should apologize for all the porn in this list. *g*

In no particular order:

Wash/River - Learning to Fly - A little ficlet that took flight and had a bit of a poetic quality.

Angel/Wes/Buffy - Fade Together - I cannot say how much this fic means to me. It was a fic that just flowed, and everything I said about those characters makes sense to me. I really got to find my way through their heads and it was a gorgeous journey that I wish could be repeated, but simply can't.

Angel/Wes/(Fred) - Fred Can't Stop Thinking - I don't know why but this little bit of smut was again something that flowed and really got inside the characters heads with a tiny amount of words. Plus, you know, hot. :)

Angel/Oz - Goodnight Moon - This one will always hold a special place as my first ficathon and one of my first non-Angel/Wes fics, so it was *such* a challenge. That and I just think it's fun. :) Plus it introduced me to alizarin_nyc. :)

David/Alexis - It's All a Gamble - Ok, now not to pat myself on the back here, but this one I consider to be my 'Annie Proulx' fic. Not to say it's anywhere near the goodness that is her, but it's my atmospheric fic that makes the place shape the fic. This one was a labor of love, and it came out in one big gulp just like "Fade Together." It's probably my second pride and joy next to "Fade Together" for the ending alone.

Now, of course I love my series and there's definitely a chapter in each that I would call my favorite so here they are:

Popularity - Wes/Liam - This become one of my best loved by you guys stories, and this chapter in particular is the first and my favorite. I think it says everything there is to say about Angel/Wes (Liam/Wes) that there is to say. They seem like an odd couple, they seem to be totally platonic from an outsiders perspective, and then there's just so much brewing beneath the surface that they keep between the two of them. :)

Wes/Lindsey - The Letter!verse Part 5 - This one, the first line of the second section kills me. That I wish all my writing was/is. *nods* 'nuff said.

Mal/Angel - Who's on Top - An early section of the Firefly 'verse, and it never fails to crack me up. Mal and Angel. They're the same person partically, and yet so very interesting together. I adore them. :) One of my favorite rare pairings I've done.

As far as rare pairings go, I think this one might be my rarest Wes/Caleb - Again, this was one that flowed, and the tone just worked for me. I like the idea of Caleb having a past and fighting with it. Wes in the mix just makes everything better.

Lindsey/Angel - Taking the Edge Off This one, again, a character study with porn. Or perhaps it's a relationship study. strangecreature can be blamed for that one.

Spike/Wes - The Truth Hurts - This one I like as my one real foray into the mind of Spike, and I find it truly intriguing the way he makes this happen and his reasons for it happening. Plus, like the rest of these, the hot. ;P

Alexis/James - On the other end of the spectrum, this one is just pretty. I like the image, I like the simplicity of it.

Angel/Wes - Markers - This another one of my beloved ones, in only because it makes me think of nevcolleil. :) You can totally blame her for it.

Angelus/Wes - Hook - The first part of Hook, Line, and Sinker series. God, Angelus + Wes just = so pretty. Very pleased with this first part. It's a tricky, and damned intoxicating little 'verse.

These last few are very early little drabbles. Angsty, Angel/Wes, NFA drabbles. They hurt, people, so watch your steps.
This one, and this one, and this one. This one's also pretty dark and angsty.

Theres one more I'm still trying to find, but I'll add it when I do. :) Enjoy!

ETA: Ahh, here it is. :)

Any of your favorites that weren't on here? :) Tell me. I like knowing that stuff. :) (Or if any of the links are bad, I like knowing about that stuff too.)

top twenty chlare fic

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