The Weather, the weekend

Sep 06, 2006 12:18

Some-times I wish that I were the wea-ther, you'd bring me up in conversation for-ever and when it rained...I'd be the talk of the day. -John Mayer

*happy sigh*

I walked out the door this morning and the weather was perfect. Cool, sunny and cloudy, a light breeze. No smell of urine and car exhaust. It was...lovely. Well worth getting out of the apartment. And I got some happy food to boot. :)

And noow for rambley things I was thinking about over the weekend involving BtVS, and some little drabblet snippet-y things. Basically this is me giving kind of a play-by-play on S1 through "Lie To Me" in S2. Nothing real coherent, and just random flashes of inspiration.

Has anyone ever wondered what BtVS would have been like if Buffy and Angel had never fallen in love? None of that Acathla stuff, no Angelus. Angel wouldn’t have even known his soul could be returned. Angel would have never had to leave Sunnydale. Buffy and Spike...might still have happened (hey, now, I don’t mind Buffy/Spike) and I’m sure Buffy/Riley would have been a lot more interesting if Riley had met Angel right off the bat. Angel and Giles would get along what with no torture, but poor Wesley and Cordelia...and Faith even. Set adrift. And Doyle, those mind numbing visions would have probably gotten him killed a whole lot sooner. Or maybe he would have come to Sunnydale and brought Angel back to L.A.

I only ask this because, (I’ve been re-watching Buffy from the beginning, at first only to see the Buffy/Xander slow dance (which I thought was the hottest thing ever the first time I saw it) and then because I realized I kind of missed BtVS) Angel wasn’t exactly nice to Buffy. Sure, he gave her his jacket, gave her clues, but he was a bit of a...Angel. An idiot when it comes to niceties. Which, sure isn’t a reason to write the guy off, but he really wasn’t around much to fall in love with. Really, she sees him all of like five times in the first season and somehow he’s madly in love with her? Okay, I’m cynical, I admit it, but’s a very strange relationship they have.

Also, omg, DB was so bad in those early days. He’s smiling when he tells her he’s afraid of going after the Master for goodness sake. The smirk was a little out of control. But anyway...

Summary: I adore Buffy/Angel on the show, but it would have been interesting if something different had happened. And hopefully, I haven’t annoyed anyone.

So I find it interesting that Angel kills Darla, not Buffy, and really, ends up killing her twice if we look at AtS as well... I just finished watching "Angel" the episode where (one of my favorite scenes in all of Joss-dom) at the end, Buffy kisses Angel and her cross burns him and he says nothing. Just takes it...

*** Ficus (not the plant) interruptus ***

Kill her once? Call me a fool.

Watch her die in my arms? Call me a masochist.

- - -

She felt so small, so fragile in my arms, and she could have been wearing a dress of crosses, there was no way I could back away, drop into that night and never see her again. Fall back where Darla held me and stroked the flames of lust and hollowed out destruction. Couldn’t just back away. Should have. So many times. But something in her was too much. Too perfect. She felt like redemption. And that would always win over love, over lust, over darkness.

Until it consumed us. Me.

- - -

She loved me. She was my world. Couldn’t walk away from that either. I was driven away in a red fire of disappointment, and disgust, kimonos and rice paper fluttering broken and torn behind me as I grabbed that baby and ran. Grabbed my own child and ran.

The only good thing she ever did- we ever did.

Who could have ever dreamed that a child would pull us apart and bring us together? For once I didn’t hate her, didn’t cling to her, a drop of water at the tip of a leaf, trembling and begging not to fall, trying to hold myself together so she would keep me. No, I didn’t hate her as I held our child in my arms. I felt redeemed.

*** Back to the commentary ***

You know, “Angel” and “Never kill a Boy on the First Date” were pretty pivotal episodes. In NKaBotFD we start to glimpse what Buffy will have to sacrifice in her life as the slayer, and then in "Angel" we start to get some history.

Awww! There’s a picture of Willow and Giles in Wilow’s locker in “I Robot...You Jane.” Season 1 really makes me believe in Willow/Giles, and even a little Xander/Giles.

But as I was saying, “Angel” starts to give the viewers some history, something to latch onto, something to find more about. We haven’t heard anything about Willow, Xander or Giles yet. Some about Buffy, but we get a mass of information not only about Angel, but about Darla, the Master, and vampires in general. So you know, other than that whole pesky romance factor with the hot guy there’s definitely a hook in that episode to get people to keep watching. *nod*

*** Fic ***

A funeral a week. That’s the social life at Sunnydale High. Only one if they were all lucky.

Bruises, sprained wrists, sometimes Xander hated being the Slayer’s lackey. But those were the bad days. The worse days were when he wished he’d never met her, never seen the sun glint off her blond hair, watched a smile spread across her face. But bad and worse were few and far between.

Didn’t mean things were peachy. He had Willow and Buffy though. Even Giles was better than being at home. And he was helping save the world, right? That had to count for something.

Still, that many dead people did something to a guy, a kid, a school, a town. It was a little scary watching the town’s young people dwindle like that. Made you wonder why parents stayed in Sunnydale, especially the rich ones like the Chase family, the ones who could afford to leave, unlike himself. He’d settle for a little non-crazy just once in awhile. Some week where there wasn’t a creepy vampire guy named Angel, another freshman dead, and no stakes in his back pocket.

But he was here. He was staying, and he was damn well going to make a difference.

*** Again back to the commentary ***

I really love Cordelia's snappy diatribe telling Buffy of in that first episode of S2. They both do the snark so well, and don't take any guff from each other, “I can hold my own,” and it also tickles me that Buffy is the only one Cordelia confesses to.

*squee* Oz!!! I love Oz. Seth Green will never be better than he is in BtVS. It's so awesome that he loves Willow in her Eskimo coat.

"When I kiss you you don’t wake up from some deep sleep and live happily ever after"
"When you kiss me I wanna die."
So I listened to the commentary for "Reptile Boy" which that dialogue is from, and apparently that is a favorite quote for both Joss and David Greenwalt. I'm a little curious about what they mean by that, because it's not really so great either way. He makes her want to die, because their relationship is too hard, or she wants to die so she can be like Angel, or the kiss is just so overwhelming. ...I don't really find any of those appetizing. I adore the drama of their relationship later, but this early stuff is...kind of melodramatic teenage 'zomg I'm going to die without him' which I suppose makes sense in a show about a girl trying to grow up and find her way in the world. Maybe it's not so strange, but anyway...

In conclusion? There should be more Oz in the world. *nods*

angel/darla, xander, commentary, drabble, cordelia/buffy, my fic, characters, angel/buffy, tv: btvs

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