*waves from the abyss*

May 19, 2006 23:19

Omgwtfbbq? Did they kill off Christian Kane? What are they stupid? This is CBS, not FOX. I expect stupid from Fox, but not CBS. Don't they know any ratings they have will plummet exponentially? Hopefully, he's leaving for a good reason, like a better show, but poor, poor man if he's not.

And poor Marissa. What is Ryan going to do without his one and only? Besides Seth of course. They couldn't have just let her go off sailing with her dad and have her come back every so often? She must have something in the works. Although, really she was the only expendable character. Everyone else had a "future" or was integral to the family unit. The girl was fucked up, but so pretty in that skin and bones sort of way. Ah well.

House was...Lisa Cuddy (And whoever plays her) has a nice ass. And she is so asking Wilson to be the dad. *nods* What was with the leg hurting issues? And ha! to the masseuse scene.

*hearts Numb3rs* Dear me, I thought I was going to die when they had the scene with Judd Hirsch dying. Thank goodness for dreams. But what a totally pointless season finale. Aside from feeding the slashy incest.

This is what happens when I'm away from you all for too long people. They had better find an answer for my computer. Monday. Everyone cross your fingers super extra tight, even though I know there's absolutely no hope for it.

I want my privacy back. Or what little shred one can have on the internet.

My life in a brief synopsis for those of you chomping at the bit:

I lurrrrrrve craigslist.com. They have helped me sell more of my furniture in a week than I ever could have imagined. All with a few clicks and some pictures.

Thank god it's raining. This week was so hot. So hot. And I realized I have no warm weather clothing any longer that fits. Shopping tomorrow.

Stress. This thesis/graduation/moving stuff is cuh-ray-zee. I had a leetle break down the other night, but I think I'm okay now. *kicks technology*

There's an outbreak of mumps here? *crickets chirping* Yes. And our professor brought her possibly contagious (with something, probably not the mumps) daughter into studio today. Just what I wanted, my body to break down. I was just waiting for the next thing... *crosses fingers yet again* I'm starting to sound superstitious, aren't I?

Did anyone see the thing on PBS/BBC about the study on matching people up based on like facial traits and some compatibility factor thing. It looked terribly interesting, but Numb3rs was on (this was last week) so I only watched during commercials. Anyhow. I didn't have a point with that. There was something on again tonight that looked interesting, but it was about how couples fight, and how sometimes it's destructive, and sometimes it's not.

I also love Bath and Body Works' anti-bacterial foaming soap, and that anti-bacterial lotion. It's just...zen. Smells pretty, is cleanly (it's a word, okay, it just doesn't mean what I want it to mean), and so fast! The soap rinses off *snaps* like that.

OH! and new music discovery! Paris Combo - "Living Room" Great stuff. Buy it, and then buy me a copy. *looks hopeful* Oh, and while we're giving me things, I'd like some Wes/Connor, or Simon/River, or Dawn/anybody fic please. kthxbi. ;P

Okay, I'm done. I promise. I'll go back ot being quiet now.

tv: house, things i like, tv: numb3rs, tv: the o.c., tv talk, tv: close to home, rl/spam

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