45,539 people put slash as an interest in their LJ - you are not alone, kiddies.
fanfiction clocked in at 50,661
rpgs at 38904
buffy the vampire slayer had 37,438
while buffy was at 35,011
And low and behold, lotr was further down at 33,335
And poor angel had 26,077 interested.
music was the most popular interest at 125,0978
ETA: Oops. Got a little excited there. lord of the rings had 120,037. I knew that didn't sound right.
You can view the most popular interests
here. Slash was right below horror movies and right above making out. *snerk*
It also beat out porn at 43,674, as well as jesus, religion, and puppies.
ETA2: And to round out the picture there are:
8,442,480 total users, of which, 5,862,851 have updated their journals at some point.
Of the total with specified genders, 67% are female.
These larger stats can be found
Thank you for reading my afternoon statistics report. :P