
Jun 06, 2004 12:09

SOOO the B-I-G prom night...wooohooo, NOT! lol, I suppose it means more to the seniors, but I just didn't really think prom was that tight. Early in the day my mom got me in a REALLY bad mood and then left for work at the last minute so I was all by myself. Mt hair looked really tight when I first got it done, but then it fell really fast so that pissed me off. I started getting fucked up yesterday at like 5 and by the time I got to prom I was just grumpy from coming down so hard. I spent like $200 on bullshit this weekend too (some things I spend money on are starting not to make sense). Scott and I chilled by the beach before prom, it was really fun just sitting and talking...I have known him for 3 years, but I got to know him a lot better last night. He is like the sweetest guy in the world. At prom we waited in line for seriusly like 45 mins to take pictures, IT WAS BULLSHIT! After prom we both went home to change, I chilled with my mom a little bit lol and then Amber and Sam picked me up at like 12:30. We went to a few random parites and met up with DRUNKIES Gus and Justin haha, but nothing that exciting was going on. I think MY own prom will be a lot better, but I am over high school all together so I don't even really care anymore.

Sam and Ber: cut me off LOL, yesterday got out of control I think, maybe....well yah.

I am starting to miss Kevin again....ehhh

i am mad that I didn't get to take pictures with people at Prom because I forgot my camera in Scott's car...DAMNIT! Last night was just a big combination of bad luck for me. I got home around 3 I think and just layed in bed and thought about A LOT of things...it is weird how people change and what goes on without people knowing.

Well I hope everyone else had a better time! Until next time...peaaaace.

ps Rhett is reallllllly tall haha!
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