Bonding, and other news

Jan 03, 2013 23:50

Wow, the past 7 months have been...hectic.

Unlikely that anyone noticed, but I basically dropped off the face of the earth from May onwards. Reason being: I got a job.

That's right, I'm in the workforce! Currently a casual only (but on a full-time basis). I'm also enrolled in College of Law, and am studying to be a solicitor, which hopefully will happen in June next year. Hurrah!

Well, I would hurrah if it my workload weren't sucking the life out of me. Aside from work and study (and I actually have 2 jobs atm, not including private tutoring), I also have church things to do, which I've been slacking off on, a lot. Then add to that family commitments, friend commitments and various other bits and pieces, and I've just had no time to do anything. Including any of the stuff I'm supposed to do. (For instance, the abovementioned College of Law....well, I'm 5 weeks behind. Maybe 6.) Any time I've had off has been spent zoning out to give my brain a rest.

So, this holiday break was meant to be spent catching up on College of Law. I only have 3 days left of my break, and 2 of those days I'm going I'm getting desperate. However, instead of doing said catching up, I have been:
- ogling dolls
- ordering dolls
- ogling clothes
- ordering clothes
- re-bonding with my dolls
- faceupping my dolls

Sounds like a lot, but actually it's not very productive at all on the BJD front. There have been a few changes to my crew since last time I posted, but I've never put up pictures. (When I think of the editing and uploading process, I just blank out and all the energy dissipates.) Despite the changes though, I haven't felt in the dorrie-zone at all. I faceupped and styled one of the core members of my crew, and I did it half-heartedly (which is probably why her faceup didn't turn out so well). I've done all sorts of surfing but felt nothing.

This was really starting to bother the re-bonding time is a welcome change. For the first time in months, I've actually picked up my dolls and played with them, not just moving them around on a shelf. Heck, some of my crew have been wearing the same thing for over a year! I took some comparison photos, redressed a few of them, and I'm touching up a few faceups. If I have the energy (and time, which is a scarce commodity these days) I may even wipe and re-faceup Thunderstorm (Bichun) and Vanora (Cass), since they are in sore need of redoing.

Importantly, my Elfdoll Tasha ead arrived today, which I bought on impulse during the Elfdoll head sale. I really shouldn't, since money is also a scarce commodity, but she was so cheap I couldn't help myself. And it was a good decision. Having her here is like a breath of fresh air! I have absolutely character planned for her, and as I've started her faceup I'm having so much fun fiddling around and going all creative with her makeup. Usually when I order a doll, I have a particular character or style planned, and my faceup has to stay within those boundaries, so I'm under a lot of pressure. With Tasha, I can just go crazy! I think I'm going to make her a little more extreme than the rest of my crew, a little more glamourous and wild with colour. She doesn't even have a name at this stage, so we'll see where the painting process takes me!

Now that I'm in the faceup zone, I'd really like to redo Thunderstorm and Vanora, but like I said, no time. I really have to do some study. We'll see how much I get done tonight and how long I spend getting a haircut tomorrow. Since I'm going with my mum, it might take until late afternoon. If I can wake up super early, and get at least one Activity submitted, then I'll start wiping Thunder and Vanora in prep for their freshening up.

After such a long hiatus fro real oll play, freshening up is good.

doll rambling

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