Aug 21, 2007 02:01
So its been almost 3 weeks since i got a visit from Miss Mary Jane, But my gf heather has informed me that she has gotten hold of some pressed pollen for me and even tho i would much rather have some nice sticky sticky budula this is most acceptable because i'm at the point where i'm smoking way too many cigs and drink way too much jack and beers.
Other than that i went to see about a job today only to be fucked around by some guy that had no idea what he was talkin about, it was also through a temp agency , tho this was no ordinary temp agency this was the con the living shit out of you temp agency where even your uniform is deducted from your first pay check. Now let me summarise all things that are deducted from your first wage packet from this bs company....
Steel toe capped boots (even tho i told them i had a brand new pair still in the box), Overalls or any sort of work wear the company your posted to requires , travel expenses and some bs fee they made up and called Finders fee , so because even tho i've been busting my balls all these last 6 months to find something i could call a job , just cause these assholes found something for me they think they shoul dget some of my wage for it..sorry but fuck you !!
So i'm back to square one , still in a horrible relationship with someone that seems to take me for granted (shes in for a shock regardless of how much weed she finds me), a family that seems to think i moved here to be there person slave and a country that i despise (i'm a Scotsman living in England , William Wallace will be turning in his grave actually that should be graves seeing as the English had him chopped into bits and posted to the four corners of the country)
Other than that i'm drunk , waitin on the girlfriend comin back from her friends with my weed(that'll be sometime in the afternoon i'm guessing) , still majorly addicted to my psp , just completed GTA: Liberty City Stories i'd got started on the Vice City Stories but the copy i have is acting up so its being a pain in the ass.
And so concludes another shitty chapter in my life.