Dec 31, 2004 13:42
IDIOT!!! haha ok so i love Napolean Dynamite its official :)
0k i dont even knwo whats what its been a while but i do know that on tuesday Kristie Kati, Catie, Sam, Whitney, and Nicole all went out to EAT lol go figure at chili's that was fun!!!
Then lAter me kati catie sam bri and kay all went bowlin we wasted our money on 1/2 of a game lol yea yea yea weere dumb then we all came back to my house and i made them mac n cheese lol and they ate everyting in my house as we watched good ole' Napolean :)
UMm wedesday was our one month lol but Roshard insists its been 3 lol seems like forevr lol
well yesterday Roshard finallllly came home and then me and him met chelsea and kyle and we went and bowled it was reallly fun!!!
Kristie came ova for a bit before it was nice i luv that pig! haha j/k
Ummm my rents are gone for the weekend so im surprisingly hanging out with kati and everyone all weekend...
Me and Roshard are gunna play basketball just so i can prove that i can kick his ass and tommorow he's taking me out to eat at my favorite place... OUTBACK
ok welll 80% of everything i say is food related so im just gunna stop now haha
Happy New Year IDIOTs!
xox~ Amber