Jan 14, 2009 22:23
Hello mina-san!
Yea I know it's been months since my last entry....I just don't have time....
I was suppose to write a Live report for Sugizo, Versailles, Dir en Grey, and MUCC, but that never happened...I dunno if I'll be able too now.
Right now I want to focus about my trip to Japan! So many things happened there besides touring around.....Rentrer en Soi, Plastic Tree, PS Carnival, and An Cafe!!!!
I promise to write about it really soon (and i want to include pics from PSC). At the moment I'm feeling a bit under the weather....I think I caught a cold again. But never mind that....I wanted to say that I bought Alice Nine.'s newest album the day before its release day (thank god for Tower Records!)
I bought two copies!!!
hmm...also I wanted to put this down: I tried calculating how much I spent on Music~vk magazines, cds, shashin, etc.~ in total and yeah I passed my limit (not that i had one, I was prepared to pay as much as needed ^^)
Any guesses!???? Nodacanta?? hahaha....did anyone think a grand (might be a bit more)?
Yup, that's the answer! I don't regret a thing...tho I ended up spending Japan savings in 3 weeks. I've been saving that since the 3rd or 4th grade....thanks Nayoko sensei!
I guess now I better start saving if I want to have enough for my second Japan trip....hopefully in August to see my beloved alice nine.
I seriously can't believe I saw them.....what a beautiful memory that has become. Don't get me wrong, every band was memorable to me! It's just that alice nine. is my #1 beloved band. I've been waiting to see them for years so yeah that moment was the best for me! Ah, but the GazettE revived my passion for them once I saw them after alice nine. MY GOD were they ****** BEAUTIFUL!!!! Yup, I was they seriously made head bang the entire time...they made me go insane with joy!
okay, I better stop. I want to write a better report soon (and also I don't want my tears to start flowing again because I can't relive that day).