Welcome to My Journal!

Dec 31, 2020 11:46

Hello everyone~ ^^ So you're probably wondering what the heck happened to my last layout and greeting post and songs. Well, I thought that since it's a new year, I might as well get a new look, right? ^^ This is it! Instead of tranquility and stuff, I thought I might make my look...classier this time. You know, to fit some of my new fanfics?

However, the "rules" and habits I have for myself are the same. I have my Master Lists on the right, and I decided to switch out Requests for Prompts. I've been coming up with little ideas here and there and I wanted to see what you guys would write in response to that. Any details you need will be under that link.

The same standards for friending applies. If I've talked to you - as in a conversation, not me just replying to your comment - at least once, then go ahead, friend away! However, if all I ever really did was reply to your comment, that wouldn't be considered a conversation. Therefore, I may not add you back. Translating fics is also the same as it was before, which is by all means of course! As long as you credit me as the writer!

Also, about me and updating... I know I haven't been updating as much, but my New Years Resolution is to update as much as I can, should time and schoolwork allow it. On comments and such...I usually try to reply to every single comment I receive; however, lately, my wrist has been hurting and it's hard to reply to twenty, thirty+ comments. I'll try to reply to as many as I can, but if I don't reply to yours, don't think that I haven't read it or anything. Every single comment I get, I read and double-read. ^^ After all, as I always say, "Silent readers are appreciated, but comments are loved!"

Anyways, if you have an questions for me, just comment below and I'll see to whether or not I can answer it for you. ^^ If it has to do with fanfics or myself, that is. Anything else, such as "politics of the world"...yeah, I think you might have the wrong journal if you ask me that. ^^;; Well, I guess that's it. As always, I welcome you into my domain...my journal!


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