Title: Warmth Pairing: friends!KangHae Chapters: One-Shot Rating: PG Disclaimer: I only own the fic SuJu Fic Challenge Theme: 030. Warmth Summary: Donghae is cold...and at the same time touched by his hyung's warm gesture.
Psh, no one does, but I accidentally clicked on that little.. profile link that looks like a person, right next to your name. I was trying to go to your recent entries. I was going to go back, but then a song started playing out of nowhere and I wanted to listen to it, so I read your profile. ^^v
And I live in Maryland. I was born in Jersey, and I go up there to visit family sometimes. That's pretty cool. :D
Yeah, I thought that was pretty cool. I would do something like that (if I knew how) if I actually cared about my profile. But I don't even have any info abt myself on there.. it's just my credits. :P
And the ones that I visit live in Deptford, but I have some family in Cape May too. You live anywhere around there?
Aww. XD I was about to say, next time you're up here like during summer or something, suggest going to Atlantic City for the boardwalk or something. That's where I am everyday during my summer time. XDD
also, you said up at the top that it was kyuwon again, but it's.. dong..in.. or something. :P
KangHae? Idk. XDDD
Thanks for reading!
AND DAMN (Excuse my language), YOU'RE LIKE A FREAKIN' NINJA!
It says it on your profile haha. You only live a few hours away from me. :D
I didn't think anybody looked at profiles. ^^;;
And a few hours? Where are you from?
And I live in Maryland. I was born in Jersey, and I go up there to visit family sometimes. That's pretty cool. :D
Haha, yeah, I have a playlist of songs on my prof.
Cool! What city do you go to? Or town or whatever to visit family?
And the ones that I visit live in Deptford, but I have some family in Cape May too. You live anywhere around there?
Awww. I live in Atlantic City. Cape May is like an hour or something away...and OMG DEPTFORD IS 45 MINUTES AWAY! 15 MINUTES AWAY FROM MY GRANDMA!
I was about to say, next time you're up here like during summer or something, suggest going to Atlantic City for the boardwalk or something. That's where I am everyday during my summer time. XDD
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