Title: Watermelon
Pairing: friends!KyuWon/SiKyu?
Chapters: One-Shot
Rating: PG
Disclaimer: I only own the fic
SuJu Fic Challenge Theme: 013. Watermelon
Summary: It's just another typical, summer day at the Super Junior dorms.
It’s a hot, humid summer day. Typical for Seoul summer weather. On this particular day, the members of Super Junior had decided to either lock themselves in their rooms with fans on all day or had decided to go out to do something so they could get their minds off of the heat.
Of course, there were also the poor few who were stuck doing schedules. Mainly Leeteuk, Eunhyuk, and Shindong. Siwon sighs as he opens the freezer for the fifth time and sticks his face into the frigid air the seeps out of it. He’s bored and it’s hot and he has no schedule so he’s stuck doing this. Siwon thinks he has been spending way too much time with Yesung, who, the last Siwon heard of him, was talking to his pet turtle, Ddankgoma, about how hot it is.
After at least thirty more minutes of this, Siwon decides maybe he should switch his role up and get something to drink. He wonders what to drink as he opens the refrigerator and is met by a beautiful, heaven-sent item. Glowing beautifully, there sat the last slice of watermelon from the night before.
In all its cold juiciness, it sat there…before him. However, just as he is about to reach for it, he hears someone shuffle into the kitchen. Siwon turns his head to see Kyuhyun standing there. Obviously, by the ruffled hair and heavy bags under his eyes, the magnae of Super Junior had just awakened from his sleep.
Siwon pauses, knowing Kyuhyun disliked the heat. He looks between Kyuhyun and the watermelon, pondering carefully.
“Hyung? Why are you looking at me like that?” The younger asks, raising an eyebrow as he stretches. He yawns again and glares at the sun outside the kitchen window, shining its golden light into the kitchen over the sink. “Damn this heat. Why is it so humid?”
Siwon bites his lower lip and replies, “Nothing. I just thought I’ve never seen you without make-up before.”
Kyuhyun glares at him and Siwon tries, but fails, to hide a widening grin. However, when Kyuhyun goes to get a glass of water with his back turned away from Siwon, Siwon immediately lets the smile drop.
Knowing Kyuhyun, even if Siwon ate the watermelon, Kyuhyun would say he wouldn’t care. Even if it was the exact opposite of that. And besides that fact, Siwon was the hyung here. He knows he should take care of his dongsaengs. Therefore, as Kyuhyun leaves the kitchen and Siwon can hear the TV get turned on out in the living room, Siwon grabs the paper plate that the watermelon is on and takes it out into the living room. He sets the watermelon down in front of Kyuhyun and the magnae looks at him with a look of surprise on his fun.
“It’ll help with the heat,” Siwon says and turns around to continue sticking his head into the freezer. That is…until he finds Donghae’s secret box of ice cream hidden in the freezer because, really, in the upstairs dorm, you can’t hide anything from anyone. And Siwon thinks as he plops down next to Kyuhyun with two spoons and half a quart of rocky-road ice cream that you probably can’t hide anything anywhere from Super Junior. Be it upstairs, downstairs or on the other side of the country.
Yep…it’s just another typical, summer day at the Super Junior dorms.
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A/N: Today was so freakin' humid!!! AND IT WAS COLD. DON'T YOU JUST HATE THAT COMBINATION OF STICKINESS AND CHILLINESS?! Well...maybe not the stickiness part because if you're as perverted as I am, you'll know what I'm talking about. Anyway...this is born completely from my boredom and my frustrations about how freakin' humid it is. WHY DOES HUMIDITY HAVE TO EXIST?! *rant rant* *hissy fit hissy fit*