Jul 09, 2010 22:10
Gonna be selling some Prop Plus Petit Tales of Series figures and some Tales of Symphonia figures as well soon....well....as soon as I figure out how to ship them X-X
Those small flat rate boxes aren't big enough to hold the figure boxes, and padded envelopes might work with the PPP figures, but defiantly not the TOS figures. I guess the only option I have is to ship them in as small a box as I can find.
For anyone curious, I'll be posting images and cross posting everything after I sort out the shipping thing, but here's a list of what I'm selling:
PPP figures:
- Yuri w/repede (I have 2)
- Asbel w/sword
- Leon w/sword
- Lloyd version A and B w/gummy
- Kratos version A and B w/ gummy
- Luke version A and B w/ different Mieus
TOS: Figures:
- Kratos Variant A
- Lloyd Variant A and B
- Presea Variant A
- Genis Variant A
- Zelos Variant A and B
- Colette Variant A and B
- Sheena Variant A and B
All the figures come with the boxes.