(no subject)

Mar 25, 2008 00:03

So, after nearly 4 years of nurturing and loving my LJ, I finally took the plunge and got a paid account.  Let's face it: I spend about a full half of my internet time on LJ, and I figured it was only a matter of time.  Plus, now I have a ton of icons!  If you don't normally look at my actual LJ page, I'd suggest taking a look, as I think it's pretty spiffy!

Also,  I FINALLY have gotten a new phone, and so far it seems to work just fine in my room.  Even better, it's the same number as my old phone, so no number changes are necessary!  So, if you guys need to get a hold of me, I am officially back among the living.

OK, the next bit is cut for people who don't want to listen to me wax poetic about adorable DS games (that aren't Phoenix Wright, strangely enough).

So, I finished Professor Layton and the Curious Village tonight and might I simply say this:

- if you have a DS
- if you like games that require logic and thinking as opposed to reflexes and quick thumbs
- if you like brainteasers and puzzles
- if you enjoy European-style art and animation
- if you easily get crushes on English gentlemen who slightly resemble your 7th grade literature teacher
- if you like top hats

YOU MUST PLAY THIS GAME.  Oh my peas, it was AMAZING.  The last puzzles were "oh god what crackpot came up with these" hard, and apparently the bonus puzzles are even harder, but the whole last hour of the game was EPIC.  Plus, in case you couldn't tell, I'm, um, pretty much in love with the Professor.  (Come on, he's got a British accent and is an eternal gentleman and is impossibly sweet with Luke and gets personally offended when you slight his car and can fence without losing his top hat!  ...DON'T JUDGE ME.)

This means, therefore, two things:

- I am SO psyched for the sequel, which is apparently coming out Novemberish.  Actually, it came out last November in Japan, and I remember seeing ads for it on the train.  They had a different puzzle on each ad that lined the car, and I remember wondering what it was and wishing I understood the kanji well enough to solve them.
- Julia, C-chan?  If you guys are going to do the Professor and Luke, I claim [OMGZ spoilers] Flora awesome character that you haven't met yet!  Then we will have fun dorky times running around finding fake puzzles and playing with our hats.  IT WILL BE AWESOME.

Ok, I haven't slept more than 8 hours in the past 3 days, so I'm gonna go pass out now.  But Tomorrow!  I have a request of you all...heh heh heh.

video game madness, fangirl like the wind!, discussion on the finer points of lj, cosplay

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