So I've been thinking, I've had this online journal for a really long time. I'm online a lot and I really don't have many friends who post on here anymore... well, actually, none of my friends post anymore. It's interesting, though, because I feel like I wasn't really talking with them. I should've tried to speak to some of them instead of "anonymously" speaking out to the world to try and be heard (much like most people are doing on Facebook). Instead of writing my stupid posts about being stupid and failing, I should try and be my own inspiration. I thought that by writing my troubles down I would be able to look back and read about how I've overcome them, all of the "hardships" I've gone through. Really, all of these years I've been looking for a pity party. I'm not one for going out clubbing or rolling around with my giant posse of people taking pictures of ourselves, commenting on FB on how pretty we look afterwards; that's just not me. All of these years, I haven't figured this out.
Until recently, of course, which is what brings me to this journal entry. Since I won't be having any children and I still feel that instictual urge to leave a legacy and/or live forever, I would like to help others. Maybe it's a phase in my life, but I plan on following through in this phase. I will be writing about my attempt at losing weight, becoming fit, and running. If I feel like eating, I will write about it. I know it sounds weird, but follow me here, there are thousands, maybe millions, of people (I'm speaking Americans, mostly) who have this "eating addiction". Yes, there is
FAA, Food Addicts Anonymous, which is an organization dedicated to helping people cope with their uncontrollable urges to eat. If you are not a food addict, then you will not understand. Binge eaters, bullimics, annorexics alike, we all face the tough decision on a daily basis: to eat, or not to eat? In a country where you don't have to be hungry to eat, no budget is too tight for the all-too-frequent occasional late night munchie, where the term "foodie" is a compliment, that we are a country all too obsessed with food. There are hundreds of blogs on it, how we need to stop our food obsession and face reality!
I feel like making this a food/first 5K race journal could inspire people to start something. I’m going to be starting things and finishing them, with the help of this journal which I can express myself and keep track. I am constantly inspired by others’ journeys, but I never know how they got started. They talk about “It was tough at the beginning but I stuck it out and look where I am now!” That’s fantastic! That’s amazing! But where do I start? When do I look like you?
There are programs by professionals who answer those questions, “Start here! Have the abs you want in JUST 30 DAYS!... and then buy our products…” I’m a normal person, 23 years old, working as a waitress to get through college. I have my budget, my boyfriend time, and my time to think about when spending money on products (boy, have I tried some products). I will be posting links to products I believe will work, I will post my questions on products I will be trying out and whether or not I should buy it, if it will help. I will be posting what works for me, what doesn’t work for me. I will be posting other sites where you can find help keeping motivated and what I do personally to keep myself motivated. Most of all, I will be posting my small struggles and huge successes, because if I’m not progressing, then what is the point?
This journal is my first experiment. If I can successfully post, and accomplish racing my 5K (I’ve only run an un-timed 5K straight through maybe like, twice in my life…) which I have purchased a spot of, I will move on and attempt to make my own blog out of this. (hint-hint: Actually purchasing my spot in the race was my first step in making myself commit.)
I will tell you what I’m not, you make what you will of who I am, but I will try my best to help others because that’s what I feel like, no matter what, is something I CAN do.
Thank you, and I wish you the best on your journeys.