Today is the day of many things crossing!

Jun 17, 2010 22:57

Well that's it, as of 4:30pm today, i finished my Leaving Cert!!!! ^-^ You wouldn't believe how happy i was! :P When i came out of my last exam (Art), i literally screamed and went sprinting down the corridor!! Haha a lot of people thought i was insane but the majority of people were insanely jealous because they aren't finished until next week!! XD

Anyway as the title says this is the day that many things cross over, well three things: my leaving cert ending, my HanaDan anniversary and Nino-chan's birthday!! :D It's really quite an exciting day for me so i'm gonna divide this into three posts, this one will be about my leaving cert!

=^-^= When i came home today the first thing i did was take off my uniform for the last time! I can't believe i never have to wear it again, allthough really i never minded it anyway.  So i put on a summer dress and then it began to really feel like summer!!

I have so many plans for summer! The first thing i really want to do is get healthy. I don't really play sports so i'm soooooo unfit! I want to get in shape so i can really actually run without getting out of breath! lol I also want to really work on my Japanese. Even though i have been learning it for nearly three years, i haven't really had the time to fully absorb myself with the language so before i go to college where i will be learning it properly, i want to improve my writing and vocabulary to give myself a head start! ^^ I also want to start learning korean! It's something i've wanted to for a few months but didn't have the time to commit myself but now that i do, i'd love to try it!!

Other than that i guess i'll just have fun with my friends in a very typical summer-y way: barbecues, beach, sunbathing, etc, etc. Oh and if things work out i should also be going to London TWICE this summer!! The first time will be some time in July with my mother!! :P And then in August i'm going to go with all my friends! Iseriously can't wait!! I LOVE LONDON!! It'll will be my third time to be there! ^^

leaving cert, summer, korean, exam, london, japanese

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