Feb 17, 2004 11:26
[Backdated entries do not appear in Friends View]
So I managed to not party since HPII (which I didn't even enjoy by the way), but my schedule stills remains busy enough to keep me from getting rest and alone time regardless of my lack of party time. It’s hard to find time to sleep with my new band, the guitar work I’ve been doing for others, going away and birthday events, recording music, and my personal projects. I need more hours in the day for myself, but something keeps me going. I’ve noticed that I don’t have time to worry about emo-love drama anymore though. No time = no emotions, no personal drama, and no time for love.
Speaking of love… I wondered what everybody else was doing for Valentines Day. After my band’s show I called a bunch of people to come to my place and hang out, but people were busy or didn’t answer my call. I didn’t realize so many people had somebody to love on Valentines Day. I gave a lot of stuff to some of the people I love on Valentines Day and I got nothing myself. Well I got a Care Bear card from Allison, (The green bear with a clover on his tummy, “I’m lucky to have a friend like you”) it was cute.
There’s not much time to think that because I am so busy, but I guess I was bothered that no one thought of me. I’ve spent the little time thinking of friends I miss and haven’t seen in a while and wondered if we are still friends or if I should remove them from the imaginary “friends” list in my head. ::making a sad expression, eyes tear up:: I can make it through today though. I’ll just press “play” on the CD player and try to forget.