Ive never really clean out my email box shit and yesterday i did. and out of curiosity i read some of them and when you reply to email sometimes ya get a copy of the email, and ive read some especially the ones from '05 i was awkward talking, i still had lingering effects of it but i have improved alot. which made me realize that before that all of you had patience to hear what i have said the whole time, and respected that and never once gave me shit for that for my short coming that i had, so in other words.
thank you.
now im kinda curious and yet afraid to read my old post on lj. i dont even need to know.
now i got some shit to share with yall.
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=y4rShePbvjo here i am famously at the 20 second marker looking like a Neapolitan jackass.
but thats not all
check out the 2:30 maker there i am, i know the beard looks like shit, but they i was having fun. fuck you.
then there this
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Yor6zvWV1f4 im gonna do that someday not today or the day learn it but ill be able to do it easily as masturbating, so fuck you if you think its all formal, sterile and boring i think its kick ass, and remember im one psychotic mother fucker ill kill you.