Nov 23, 2004 08:54
Alright, play is over, and I can get back to sleeping. In addition, guess who made a promise that he regrets? Byron did! The play is over, its past Sunday and Money, so that means I'm supposed to care about girls again. Or care about if they care about me. I'm worried that if I don't figure out what I'm going to do, my hormones will drive me on a wild killing spree. I don't even know if the girls who used to like me like me. I don't think they do. ((On a note, go Paul! Six! Woo!)) Maybe I have to start from scratch with the girls, maybe one will just fall into my lap. I'm hoping for the second, because that would be totally hot, sexy, and amaz- I mean, it would be romantic. And such.
Play went great, and closing night, (Except for the Tech Crew! You guys stink = P) was awesome. I really enjoyed the whole play experience, and I will return to do Dinner Theartre. Probably not Spring play. I hate diary of anne frank. I hate it with a mad passion for hate.
I don't have much else to say without delving into which girls I like, which ones I think like me, and which ones I might have a slim chance with. Ah well. Hopefully, all will work out. I can find what I'm looking for, she can find what she's looking for, and I will be content.