Jan 09, 2006 11:23
So our new plan is to win the HGTV Dream Home 2006, which is in Lake Lure, NC. It's a 2 million dollar home on 2 acres, complete with an SUV and $250,000 cash. I was so STOKED at this at first that I started just dreaming on what life in a commune-type setting (I swear to God we're NOT a cult! lol) would be like. If people would want to live there 24/7 or just visit on the weekends etc... who would come and what years down the road would be like.
But my mother brought me back down to reality on Sunday when we talked and she mentioned the fact that you have to pay capitol gains taxes on the value of the prize, which would be about 40% of 2 million dollars, which is $840,000 and just a little steep! Every one in FF would have to sell everything they owned to keep it, and then we still might not make it because of the yearly real estate taxes. Unless we could donate it to a trust somehow and write off as much of the taxes as we had to pay. That's a good idea - just don't know if it's possible or even legal. Bewize, got any ideas? Since I have to talk to my accountant anyway, I'll ask him about this...
Amy, Paul, Ben and I were talking about leading fulfilling lives versus just holding down a desk job and how to get from point A to point B - that's where we're all stuck.. We have these GREAT ideas but can't seem to see a way TO them. I have thought so many times about going to a small business workshop or something like that, but I haven't - I guess mostly out of fear that my business plan will fail. Kind of dumb, huh? I know that it is, but I still can't seem to get off my duff to do anything about it.
We have seen so much of FF people this weekend (Thurs-Sun), it has just been wonderful. And ninjakat's tattoo is SO COOL!
Catwomyn - that cafe that girl in front of us works at is "Mid City Cafe" I believe - I found it when I was looking up wireless spots for when my power goes out again.