Nov 03, 2004 20:28
Hold the phone! Margie has an actual opinion about something that matters:
Bush won. Kill me. Today at school, my Bush "friends" were thrilled that Bush won. Not so much that they were happy about his winning, but because they knew that it would really bother me and they found that funny. My stomach actually lurched when I heard about it. I also overheard something very interesting in my anatomy class today. (Sarah, I swear to you this actually happened and I'm not just re-living one of our mock-conversations that make fun of people).
Annoying Sophomore girl X: Dude, Bush won.
Annoying Sophomore girl Y: Oh, cool.
X: Yea, seriously.
Y: I know, like, seriously, I think Bush is better.
X: Yea, seriously.
Y: I mean, Kerry's ugly anyway.
X: Dude, seriously.
Y: I mean, Bush is totally cute.
X: Well...
Y: Dude, he's better than Kerry. Kerry's ugly.
X: Yea, true
Y: I mean, I'd do him. (Sarah, she actually said it. I swear to J-fuckin'-C.)
X: Woah, too far!
Y: He's better than Kerry
X: True.
I realize that Lake Zurich is a white, middle-class society that in certain areas is pretty wealthy, but the majority of if it isn't THAT wealthy. I mean, certainly not wealthy enough to truly benefit from Bush's wealthy (aka disgustingly biased idea helping out bastards who don't need the fucking tax cuts) tax-cuts. I don't know anyone who genuinely wants this war to continue going on, either. I know Illinois went to Kerry, but what is the rest of the United States thinking. Too many young people are influenced by what their parents do. They don't think for themselves. If you can JUSTIFY WHY you vote for Bush (ie I'm adopted and against abortion... even though Roe V. Wade will never actually be decided because abortion is just too touchy and personal of a matter... dipshit...) then I'll actually listen and respect you for it. But perhaps you like destroying the environment and growing genetically modified crops that are defective and then sending them to foreign countries. Don't know what I'm talking about? How about back in fucking MARCH when the US government sent genetically modified corn to Mexico that proved to be extremely defective and severely sickened northern Mexicans. A nation that is NOT strong in most parts of the country medically or economically. How are these people to pay for medical help? How are they to eat? Is the US government willing to acccept the consequences and admit their errors? Publicize the incident? No. Fuck no. They cover it up. The report has been ready to be printed since back in March but "president" Bush has opted not to allow for its release. Gee whillickers, I can't imagine why. Or, maybe you like seeing that THIRTY PERCENT of the voters yesterday had a family member who had lost their job in the past 4 years. Goodness knows I like that. Fuck the environment, fuck our foreign relations, fuck everyone. Well, I say fuck you, Bush. You're not my president.
In the words of my orchestra teacher, I'm going to go weep for the fate of our nation.