My WeEkEnD.:.

Nov 21, 2004 19:02

well i 4got 2 tell u that ktc n megan cute my hair!!! lmao oww the tryed to angle it..later on that night maryssa fixed it haha its alright n on thursday night i got my nails done wit my sis n ate mcdonalds wit her n jay :oD lol...then i went to ktc's wit megan n her (wow takin sum hot pix!!)n then we went to jarretts :o) funn!then me n ktc slept at megans.tha next day is wen they cut my hair haha n on friday night we wnt bowling....then on saturday i came back from erikas..i had fun wit ewika alex-killer n bwiiiane!!wat cuties..then i went home n got dressed n stuff(in sweatpants haha) n ryan stouts mom picked me up so i cud go to his house n chyll wit him britt ang laura randy brandy n all them cool katz..yea we were havin a blast.. then we went to sapranos n met alexis maryssa n ktc thurr...then we went back to ryan's n me alexis n sarah(ryans lil sis) made up a dance to limp sizkit ROLLIN'!! hahaa that was fun then ang came over n danced wit us...then a lil while later taylor came to ryans!! wow i love her it was me alexis ryan taylor randy brandy laura ktc angela victor jenna n maryssa..we just walked around outside in the rain n wreslted a i slept at ktc's..welll wen she fell asleep i basically went to maryssas n slept thurr n chylled wit her n cara haha A TABITHISSSIS lmao wow funny n then sunday i juss chylled..that was my fun weekend thank god thanksgiving is soon!! lol
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