It was Brooklyn, mid-'90s. I was working at the now-defunct queer bookstore A Room Of Our Own when the little bell on the door jingled and in walked this hipsterish guy who set off my straight-dar. The shop had opened recently, and we got our fair share of hetero neighborhood people stopping by to say hi and check out the new scene.
Hipsterish Guy browsed a little, and it was all cool until he asked, sneering, "Who's this??" indicating the music we had playing.
"Joni Mitchell," I replied. The 4 of us employees, and the 2 owners, were giant Joni fans. My hackles rose. You did not speak ill of Joni Mitchell at 444 9th Street, 11215.
"Ugh," he responded. "It SUCKS. You should listen to the Gin Blossoms."
Do you remember the Gin Blossoms? They had one hit right around then, "Hey Jealousy." I guess it was an okay song, but god almighty did it ever get overplayed, and even had Hipsterish Guy been John Lennon himself, he still would have merited a takedown for his callous dismissal of Miss JM in this bookstore, her unofficial shrine.
"The GIN BLOSSOMS?" I shot back, "THEY suck!"
His face slammed shut. He drew his black leather trenchcoat around him in a regal gesture as he swept out the door, "I'm IN THAT BAND!!!" his parting retort.
I smirked...then slyly reached behind the counter and upped the volume on Ladies Of The Canyon.