
Jan 31, 2014 20:27

My dad pointed out that I'd forgotten to include what I'd actually said at the baptism in the previous post. This probably reflects my ongoing sense of unease publicly (or even semi-publicly) talking about my religion, but it's part of the story, so here it is. The church provided a list of prompts; me being me, I had to compose a response to all of them. The 'Jesus' one took me the longest, as the whole Incarnation-thing is by far the most difficult aspect of Christianity for me.

I want to be baptized today because... I've been on the edge of the Christian faith for a long time. I've held part of myself back because I've always been afraid to fall. I've tried to let God into my life, but I've resisted giving my life to God. I've taken Communion countless times; now I want to give it back.

I want to thank... my wife for baptizing me. I don't always understand her -- or agree with her -- but she stays with me, and she loves me, and so she teaches me what God is like.

I believe that Jesus... reveals the kind of love God has for me, and calls me to accept, and return, and extend to others.

To me, having a new life in Christ means... to be part of a community of faith; but also to be faithful within all the different communities of my life. I want to learn how to give my life away.
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