Lillian is 9 months!

May 05, 2010 16:11

 Today we had Lillian's 9-month doctor visit. She had one shot to catch up on (Hep-B) and we had the option of doing the boosters for flu & H1N1 but we decided to leave them until next year. She had her hemoglobin test too. Little girl didn't even fuss during the blood test or the shot. So strange! I mean, she not only didn't cry but she didn't even fuss.

During the last couple of visits we had, our doctor had suggested Vitamin D and Iron supplements, but L just spit them out, so I decided to go with sunlight and meat. Well, we didn't have a Vitamin D test but we did have the hemoglobin, and it turns out her iron is higher than what they see in babies on formula, and higher than some babies who are on iron drops. So yay meat! Who'd have thought I'd ever say that? Micah's iron was extremely low at this age but he didn't have any meat until 16 months. Lillian really really loves the stuff.

So she's healthy and right on track. She is crawling (real cross-crawling), pulling up, trying to stand on her own, and generally getting into everything. She loves to eat, not just meat but veggies and fruits too. She recently nommed through most of an entire pear (I peeled it and gave it to her in slices) and I can't wait for more summer fruits to come out. She has not had much of a variety of fruits yet because we have been in the winter-fruit doldrums. But she does love pears and bananas. I can't wait for peaches to start being local! And even though strawberries are really a 1-year food, I would hate for her to miss strawberry season by just a couple of months, so I'll probably let her try them when we have them from the market.

She says Dada a lot. She only says Mama when she is in distress, which makes me a little sad. But the time she did it, she climbed up on my legs and pulled to standing and cried out Ma-MAAA!

So even though she says Da all the time, when she says Ma she means it!

Anyway, she weighs 17 lb 4 oz and is in the 25%. Height is 27.75" and 50%. Head is 171/2" and 50%. Doc says not to worry about the weight being lower because breast fed babies tend to slow their growth in their second 6 months.

And that's just about it! Next appointment is a double appointment for Lillian (1 year) and Micah (4 years).


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