Title: Love is not an option Pairing: JaeMin Rating: PG-13 Warnings: Dark. Dark dark, dark dark dark dark, dark. And character death. Summary: For the son of Death and the Sun's child, love is not an option.
OOOOHHHHHHH!!! actually the only thing that i didnt get was the last
Wanting Changmin to love only him, Jae Joong kills Changmin. Because Jae Joong saved Changmin when he shouldn't have been saved, thus tying him to the realm of the dead, Changmin is stuck with Jae forever, never getting peace.
so if changmin wasnt in love with yunho he would have lived? and why never getting peace?
Wanting Changmin to love only him, Jae Joong kills Changmin. Because Jae Joong saved Changmin when he shouldn't have been saved, thus tying him to the realm of the dead, Changmin is stuck with Jae forever, never getting peace.
so if changmin wasnt in love with yunho he would have lived? and why never getting peace?
because he would never be truly dead. Never be able to get eternal sleep.
ehe, thank you~
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