Well, I did in fact call the Village at Bordentown earlier this week. It turns out that there are no vacancies. In a way I was kind of relieved. I have no idea why I would feel relieved to not have a place to live, but for some reason, that place, despite its relatively low rent, seemed off. Don't ask me to explain that. I just had bad feelings about it. So, I'm searching a bit more up north between Robbinsville and Jamesburg like I originally planned. It turns out that there are quite a few places in the East Windsor/Twin Rivers area. In fact, near that Shop Rite alongside Rt. 130, Mom was taking a back road home back on Saturday and found out that one of the apartment complexes back there posted a sign saying they had openings. I'm stoked, I guess. I called them on Saturday. Got the machine. So, I will call them during the regular week. And, since I wake up at a semi-normal hour now, I'll be able to get stuff accomplished instead of sleeping the day away. I still have no problem with doing that, mind you; I'm still a night owl. But anyway, some of the very many properties in the area in which I'm interested are: Meadow Lakes, St. James Village, Garden View, plenty of old folks' places, Twin Rivers Apartments, Village East Apartments, and so on. I've got a lot of digging to do.
This first week of earlier hours for the summer season wasn't too bad. I woke up on time every day and arrived to work on time every day. The twist in my plan is that hoagiefest is going on now at all Wawas, which forces me to either choose one of their pre-made wraps in my haste or wait in an unusually long line for a made-to-order sub. This whole week, I've had to settle for a pre-made wrap. But now that I'm getting used to the morning Sun, I should be able to settle into a groove now and get things done. As I predicted, I am actually pretty glad that I get out of work at a time when most things are still open like Shop Rite and Wal-Mart. I'll be able to earn money AND spend money in one day! Isn't that something?! I've got to be mindful of my income versus expenditure, now. I have something of a little safety zone, but I can't buy too many big-screen TV's or else I'll be back home with Mom and Dad in no time. And, let's be honest, I don't want that to happen. I'm aiming for permanent independence. So my duties mostly involved replacing the wheels on the cases. It was a nice change of type to be using tools to fix things instead of using my muscles to lift tons and tons of boxes. Plus, since we now overlap the day shift, I have some different opponents to face in ping pong: Rob, A.J., Luis, and Chris. The first week I got totally walloped except for Thursday when I ruled the table. To win against the day crew, you have to use a lot of spin. Don't attack them directly, either, because most of them know how to smash. My smash is getting better, but it's still grossly underdeveloped. I like to rely more on technique and spin rather than brute force. That could be said about most things I do, actually. Though, sometimes, that just won't cut it. I still love the game, though.
Aside from all that, I am playing copious amounts of Drawception. Since I started at the end of May, I've skyrocketed to level 44! Yes, they have levels, but the only thing I care about is learning how to draw better and observing the styles of others. Plus, it gives me a chance to explore art- if in a rudimentary way. And speaking of art, I HAVE to show you this game that I had a hand in.
A simple link can be ignored. A picture right inside of my very entry, however, cannot. Look at all that! Well, #4 and #8 suck a tiny bit, and mine, #6, really isn't that good, either. Get a good look at #10 and #12, though! Sometimes you get lucky and have a game that ends up with art so good that it becomes a 'top game,' which is determined by how many people view the game. At time of writing (3:45 A.M. on July 1), this game is a top game. Top games don't stay on top for very long, but even the cruddiest and artistically empty games are saved forever. They all are preserved so you can admire your past masterpieces in the far far future. I don't think I'm going to stop playing this game anytime soon, so expect more irritating updates about it...
Finally, in following through with my Kickstarter comments last week, I am happy to say that Armikrog has been successfully funded. It even reached its stretch goal of $950,000, which means that it will also be released on the Wii U in addition to PC, Mac, and LINUX! I am so stoked that I am going to get to play another point-and-click adventure puzzle game animated completely with stop-motion claymation while drinking in a brand new Terry S. Taylor soundtrack. Granted, there is a chance that this game could completely suck. I realize that getting myself all hyped up about a game that doesn't even exist yet is completely stupid and irrational. I may be so affected by my happy memories of The Neverhood that I'll blindly accept anything this company puts out. And maybe that's true. But, I will continue to support them until I have a reason not to. Oh, and there was another project I'm backing, too, called 'Something Different.' It's a social card game, but it's already reached its funding goal 8-fold. And you still have 7 days if you want two free copies of it. Go search for it and pledge $15 to get two copies of the game. 'Something Different.' I'm really happy right now.
This week's question will be boring and straight-forward because I am feeling quite tired. That's also another effect of waking up earlier; I have to go to bed earlier, and now I'm starting to become accustomed to it. My stomach still hurts in the morning- every morning, though. Weird. Anyway, that question: What is your favorite non-alcohol, non-carbonated, and non-chocolate cold drink? Yoo-Hoo is out of the question, too, because, even though it isn't literally CHOCOLATE, its flavor is still close enough to get itself disqualified. So maybe you like V-8 because it gives you that salty burst of veggie energy you need in the morning? Perhaps you like a cool glass of orange juice to wake up the senses and fight off the cold? Maybe you love lemonade on a hot summer's day. Or perhaps you love plain ole water? For me, I think my favorite boozeless, bubbleless, chocolateless, and heatless beverage is grape juice. I get the feeling there is a more obvious choice for me out there, but I can't think of it right now. I like grape juice because it has anti-oxidants, a generous helping of vitamin C and has that refreshing bite of a flavor that makes your mouth water afterwards. What about you?
I still can't beat FTL on normal mode.-