Mar 09, 2009 09:46
That I'm getting on my rag early AGAIN this month (doubled over in pain right now, btw, NOT FUN)
I maybe should view recent day's emotions in light of being effected by the monthly crazy we women 9who are ALREADY PLENTY CRAZY) have to deal with.
I won't delete lj, but maybe okc will go anyways. I have a hard time focusing on me when there are potential dudes to be hollering at unabashedly, as I like to.
Sorry, Seth, for the calm but reactionary comment reply, but I still think yesterday's being stood up when I hadn't even suggested meeting yet is reason plenty to presume no one is deserving of my goods right now, combined with other dude's less-than-enthused reactions to my mere interest.
Anyways. Now that I'm bleeding it's like less crazy more ouch, moment by moment.
Still sucks.