I really hate commercials sometimes

Apr 21, 2010 00:19

So, I've just become aware that the United Methodist Church has been running a Rethink Church campaign. Apparently trying to recruit new members by getting people to think of church as a verb and a way to become more connected to the world around them. As much as I've always been bothered to see religions advertised on TV like they were cereal, that's a message I could get behind, nothing wrong with that.

They are also trying to combat malaria in Africa. Also admirable.

Combining those two campaigns in a commercial that states, and I quote, "What if church could stamp out malaria? Would you come?" (complete with images of poor sick Africans)

And if I'd still rather not come, what then....? Do I then not care about Africans dying from malaria? What a selfish bastard I am to let all those poor children keep dying just because I don't have any interest in their personal savior (or any savior for that matter)?

Am I the only person that find this to be in poor taste?

Note, this is not an invitation for Christian bashing (though I'd like to think this is not something I'd have to tell my friends list), rest assured if it was a Pagan organization doing this I'd be just as uncomfortable. One should never imply even obliquely that concern for world issues is irrevocably tied in to religious ideology.

stupidity, tv, religion

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