So, I'm finally back home in wonderful Baltimore ... well, my wonderful apartment occupied by my wonderful girlfriend in somewhat less than wonderful overall Baltimore. The very first thing that happens when I get home? The cats start fighting with each other. Loudly and violently. Renee swears they haven't been doing this the whole time I was gone, its been nice and peaceful. So I guess they all missed me, they just can't decide which one of them missed me the most. :-P
My train ride home ... oh gods. I had forgotten that it was Good Friday, not Christian and don't know too many people who are anymore so it doesn't get mentioned, I always forget when Easter is coming now. I also would not have guessed that so many fucking people traveled that extensively for fucking Easter. I would have been wrong. Now I didn't exactly have a choice in the matter about when I traveled and I didn't want to have to stay until, what Tuesday, in order to completely miss the holiday rush, so I guess there was no avoiding this. Mental note for next time though.
When I travel with Amtrak, I always ride in the quiet car. Because I don't want to be stuck in a narrow tube surrounded with screaming children, morons on cell phones, assholes who can't keep their fucking conversations to themselves, all that fun shit. I have to put up with enough of that on the city buses but at least those are brief trips (numerous, but brief), this is seven hours I will kill you all. I discovered this car by accident, just happened to wander into one, and oh my, what a wonderful idea! You guys read my mind, didn't you?
Now does it always actually work out like that? Oh hell no. Because people are fucking stupid, arrogant little shits that think they are so fucking special, their conversations so fucking important that the rules clearly do not apply to them. There are signs posted in the quiet car, multiple signs, they are everywhere including posted on the door where you come in, I mean you can't miss them. And just in case you do, the announcer mentions the quiet car and the conductors walk through telling you this is the quiet car at every stop. Yet some people still claim ignorance, and others just won't stop no matter how many times they are told.
I had a wonderful trip up to Massachusetts, the quiet car was filled with mature adults that could all read and understand the rules. I had no complaints (my train even arrived sixteen minutes early, how do you like that?). So I knew I was getting fucked on the way back, because that's just the way things go.
I am surrounded by yokels, literally surrounded they are in front of me, behind me and to the side of me. Most of these yokels are traveling together. They are so fucking noisy coming on, and then they just don't stop. There was this young woman sitting right across from me working on her lap top, one of these idiots gets into the seat behind her, and just suddenly jerks the seat back not even fucking thinking about anything, and jams her lap top in between the folding tray and the top of the seat, she can't get it out. Takes a few minutes to communicate this to the geniuses, and then while she is trying to go easy they just jerk the seat forward again so the computer practically flies out at her. Let's hear it for having no consideration!
Then this couple just start talking. Loudly, about nothing. I see this woman looking around, confused, why would they be doing this? Poor thing, she must not get out much. So she leans over and tries to explain to them, this is the quiet car, there aren't any loud conversations in here (like it says on about ten fucking signs posted in the aisle, and since you are reading that magazine I must assume you are literate, so I guess you have no excuse. Shut the fuck up). And they are all affronted, "What, does this mean we can't have ANY conversations At ALL????? *gasp*" She's trying to be nice, yes you can talk, but just quietly (as in I shouldn't be able to hear you gossiping about Bruce Springsteen over whatever the fuck it is I'm listening to on my headphones, if I can hear your fucking voice over sounds that are being pumped directly into my ears, you are too fucking loud!!!!!). They snapped at her and she continued looking confused over the whole thing. I wonder where she lives that she can expect people will just obey the rules, I may have to join her there.
Baltimore city buses also have rules posted about no loud talking, cell phone, music without head phones. But rules really only mean something if there are people willing to enforce them, and Baltimore is a city filled with people who just do not give a shit (and if you want to get an idea of how bad that really is, check out
this post on my girlfriend's LJ about something that happened to her on the Light Rail just last week). I could probably take a piss right next to the bus driver's seat and I doubt they would so much as glance around to see what I was doing. Not so on Amtrak, some day are better than others granted, but they do police the quiet car.
Not only that, but they also utilize a concept I have been saying we need in the customer service world for years, that of necessary rudeness. The customer is always right rule gives the customer the impression that they can pretty much do whatever they want and you just have to put up with it; I can be as big an asshole, spoiled, privileged fucking whiny cry baby as I want to, and what are you going to do about it, you can't say anything to me. I think this has gone way too far, and there needs to be a rule added in where customer service people are allowed to tell you to fuck off once you've passed a certain point. And this is a perfect example of that. I've described above the number of signs hanging, the conductors making the informational sweep at every stop, you are well informed of where you are and what is expected of you. If you are still talking on your cell phone at that point, or shouting to someone across the aisle, then clearly you have decided the rules that govern the rest of us do not apply to you. In which case, I think the gloves can and should come off in putting you back in your place.
I remember the first time I rode in the quiet car seeing a conductor walk up to a woman yapping on her cell and told her to hang that phone up right now. And when she tried to whine that she'll only be a minute it was no, quiet car, hang up or get out. There was no excuse me, no please, no sir or ma'am or any of that false politeness in it, it really was just that abrupt, just that out of patience. I thought it was completely justified and I loved it. Not something I get to see every day.
The stupid was out in full force on the train, but so was the hardcore Amtrak police force.
Soon after those two assholes snapped at the poor sheltered girl and the whole pack of them got back to their inane bliterings, someone (and I'm pretty sure it was the conductor that was currently making the rounds there) got on the loud speaker for the quiet car, and made this speech to one and all, "Attention quiet car, this is your den mother speaking. You will obey the rules of the quiet car. That means no loud talking. No loud talking under any circumstances. If you want to continue talking loudly, you can move through the exit to your rear, we have plenty of cars that you can relocate to. As long as you remain in this car, you will obey the rules of this car."
Now, how awesome is that?
The sheltered girl look thrilled. Everyone around us looked shocked and horrified. Sadly, it was probably not by their own behavior. Yet not a single one of thm got up (and this warning only deterred them for a few hours, then when lunch time rolled around people got so loud again I could hear over my ipod which one of them didn't want a cookie)
They were chasing people down the aisles that were coming on already gabbing on their phone looking for a seat, just get out. Hang that up, turn that off, quiet down. Told someone behind me to hang up his phone, I could hear him say, "Uhh, sorry, I had no idea." Oh really? Because there are three signs posted about it just within my immediate field of vision, and if I can see them I know you can see them too. Plus, you entered the train from behind me, and passed a number of other signs along the way, and yet you insist you had no idea? Fuck you. But that's everyone's excuse though, I had no idea, no idea at all, where am I, what does that sign say, I can't read it. Apparently much of the working force, blue and white collar, in this country is completely fucking illiterate.
Cell phones are something I just want to get away from for a while, so many people are completely inconsiderate with them (I always try to walk away if I can and have my conversations in private). But other stuff, like wear headphones when you are listening to music/watching a movie, don't talk so gods damned loudly that everyone on the train can follow your conversation, these are not things that should have to be posted. This should just be shit that you do, because its basic fucking common courtesy, keep to your fucking self. Its just amazing, even if clearly written and posted rules, how many people still don't fucking get it, and continue to not fucking get it no matter how many times they are told.
And some wonder why I hate people so much. After trips like this, I got to wonder why more of you aren't on my side.
As I was packing up to get off th train, standing on the end by the door where there is some more space, there was another woman standing there talking on her cell phone. Conductor comes up to her, says, you can't talk on your phone in here. And she's like, but I'm at the end of the car. The look on his face was priceless, as was his exasperated, the WHOLE car is quiet!!! And as she is walking back to her seat, he is walking passed my grumbling under his breath about all these goddamn stupid fucking people, why are you on this car in the first place?
Poor guy. I'm sure it must be so annoying having to say the same fucking thing over and over again, especially when you really shouldn't have to say it at all when rules are so clearly and numerously posted. But don't worry, some of us do get it and some of us do appreciate the work that you do. :-)