I'm glad that you're thrilled about the election day results. Really, its wonderful to see that some people actually give a shit about what is going on in politic (I really have to wonder sometimes). If you want to celebrate, please do so. Really, go have a blast
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Obama is a good speaker, which is a nice change from our alleged Yale graduate soon to be former president (I have less former education than him and yet I could talk circles around him, its disgusting). And yes, he does seem to want to do some good. And I hope he hangs on to that desire and only plays the political game as much as he has to. Don't sign your soul away like everyone else has, value the people who put you into office and the promises you made them as much as you do those who can give you money to fund your policies. Stand your ground, don't get mired in that mess, don't let it burn you out. It can only be changed from the inside, and maybe if just one person can withstand it voters will realize they can have better and start demanding it. Who knows?
It would be nice. But I'll believe it when I see it.
Still, at least its not Bush Jr.
There are a lot of Bushes who could still eventually wind up in the White House.
You know what, I better stop, I'll give myself nightmares. >.
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