Mar 11, 2008 01:07
Wow, yesterday was one incredible festival. I'm still slowly winding down from the whole thing.
I ended up spending the whole day secluded in the temple, fasting (for the most part) keeping candles and incense burning, saying prayers, meditating. Just me and my cat. Yes, Discord kept vigil with me the whole day, left to use the litterbox only once, otherwise she was curled up by my side keeping out of the way (who else can say they have a Pagan cat? well, she was a gift from the gods, wasn't she?).
This is much like how last year went, so I guess I have a tradition on my hands now. Cuts down on wondering what I'm going to be doing when this day comes around again.
I had some very intense experiences in ritual. Some of which I may share, some that I'm keeping to myself, one that I really need some time to sort out, make sure it is what I think it is and not coming from elsewhere.
The long string of oracles I took were all overwhelmingly positive, and extremely clear in their meanings. I was even reintroduced to smart ass Hermes, the way he can sometimes appear in readings. Attempting a fast while your god keeps bringing up food, asking if you'd like to eat something, not fun. There was one in particular I didn't realize until I woke up this morning was a joke he made at my expense. Its been a while since he's done that with me, I needed the laugh.
Oh, and if I had any question about Hermes maybe leaving me or not being the center of my life anymore, I would say this answer I got clears up any and all confusion, what do you think? (this would be the Homeric Oracle I'm using here, for my non Greek friends as I do now have quite a few of them)
666 - "Don't dare get it into your mind to escape from me, Dolon."
455 - "I rejoice at hearing what you say, son of Laertes."
All things still revolve entirely around him I see. Just as it always has.
I'm not exactly thrilled with the way my first year dedicated to him has gone. Too much outside shit fucking everything up. First the massive ugly blow up with the ex room mates, scrambling to find a place to live (and settling for Ghettoville), not having much work all summer, sister's wedding, and then dealing with all the new spiritual stuff. Yeah, its been a fun year, or something like that. My focus has not been what I would have wanted it to be.
Now, I'm not aware of any massive mundane life shit coming up (aside from having to move again, but it shouldn't be the very last minute thing it was last year). So maybe this year I can do a lot better.
I'm glad he still feels I can do it. Now I just need find a way to work around things and make that a reality.