letter to Kureno

Feb 23, 2008 16:19

Dear Kureno-san,

I apologize for my own tardiness in responding to your letter. No one ever expects the life of a monk to be hectic. However I see I continue to prove otherwise. If you're ever curious, please feel free to ask. I could fill quite a few pages, I think.

I don't doubt a moment you will do everything you can to protect your village and this country. I only hope that in between those vital duties you are also making time to check up on how Asuka is doing. The price to bring her home alive was quite steep, as I am coming to understand. Were that I there myself, I would be making sure the cost continued to be worth it.

I'm enclosing some tea with this letter for you to enjoy as you wish. When everything looks to be going south in a rush, a good cup of tea does wonders to make you feel better. Or at least provide a handy excuse to have some alone time.

Your friend,

letters, great fire temple, kureno

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