letter to asuka

Jan 19, 2008 10:31

Dear Asuka,

I cannot believe Daimyo-sama is giving you a Medal of Honor. Yes, you read that correctly. A Medal of Honor.

Now, why is he giving you a medal? Because he heard that you killed that Akatsuki woman. And he's so overjoyed that you've taken out one of the world's top criminals that he's throwing a huge gala for the occasion.

The civilian elite is being invited. Feudal lords and ladies and members of long-lived clans and merchant lords are all going to be there.

So are all of the Twelve. One of us is being accorded a high honor, after all!

It promises to be quite the fancy shindig. And guess who gets to begin the awarding with a blessing. I believe the Daimyo wishes to hang the medal on you himself.

As fair warning, I've learned there also may be a few eligible bachelors who might be there to try and woo you. This promises to be highly entertaining, if nothing else.

It's happening in February.

I'll see you then.


asuka, letters, great fire temple

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