Mark and Megan (and Doris for making sure I'm not nuts):
Doris and I are trying to get things in order with going to see the 13th Gate and booking the cruise.
As for 13th Gate--because the next two weekends are a little crazy (and I'm not sure if Mark will be coming back to BR next Friday [Oct. 2], but going by latest discussion, I'm assuming not?), we were thinking that the only time we really had a chance to go was this Friday (although now that I think about it, Saturday night might work too--and probably better, but I'm having trouble keeping events and goings-on straight). Either way, we'd be doing it later (so long as you have your tickets and are in line by 11:30, you'll go through), but it wouldn't have to be as late if we did it Saturday (if the only thing holding us up is me at work). That would also give Megan time to nap if we did it Friday. But we'd like to go soon. But whatever works (Thursdays are probably just out because we don't want to push you during the week, Megan, and the lower price is just $5).
So yeah. That probably didn't make a whole lot of sense, but we basically need to see when both of you would be good to go.
As for the cruise, the prices have been fluctuating strangely (mostly upwards), and so we're considering trying to book now, before they go up any more. We should only have to pay a deposit, but we still don't know how much that deposit is. Unfortunately, the early saver deposit is non-refundable, and may be as much as $200 per person. So...yeah. Basically here (understanding your situation, Mark), we need to know just who is going (AKA Chris?) so we can find out if we can get a group discount and how much everything will cost, etc. We're thinking about calling them on Friday to figure everything out. Oh, and Doris, one more complication to booking now--I doubt Mark could book later than the rest of us without undoubtedly being stuck as one person in one room. So we may want to consider that--I'm okay with waiting a little longer to book myself if it's necessary to make sure Mark can go. Um, but yeah. My brain is really NOT functioning on dates/times/etc. right now, so I'll leave it at that.
Must get grading done....