Wrath, take two.
I had this mostly done Monday. Then my computer crashed. That was 'fun.' So you get Wrath with caps. Yay.
So we open up to horse riding with Clana; and does anyone else remember Obscura where we had this kind of teaser with Whitney and Lana?
I want to say that due to the back shots and the b-roll it is painfully obvious that Tom said "I will pet a horse but I will not ride one!" Painfully. Obvious.
The song in the background tells use that
And we can't see, what you'll be, you can't disguise
But either way, I will pray, you will be wise
Pretty soon you will see, tears in my eyes.. (okay so they editted it down to just the last line and some others but that's interesting.)
Lana talks about champaign and truffles, and her "No, I loved it" reminded me of Lex telling her that she really did love him ordering delicasies for her in Japanese. Then Lana points out that it usually is coupled with "Sorry, I wrecked your car" or "I accidently slept with your sister." -- given the Egyptian stuff I found a few weeks ago and that comes up later in the episode this seems pretty pointed to me.
Clark talks about his relationship with Lana, pets the horse, and is pretty much happy that Clark's not yet on to her. Then Clark time dates the relationship that everything prior was worth it just for "that", effectively putting a line in the sand; there is now a pre-Wrath and a post-Wrath going into effect. Which is noted by thunder and the immediate transfer.
Also, did anyone else get the Transferrance Lionel vibe when Lana held up that windmill?
I love this years credits.
Kent Farm
I love Clark's hanging nod about everything moving faster, it's hilarious. I love how Clark is pointing out that it takes time to adjust, that it's not safe, all of that. Clark's not randomly happy about it, and isn't even initally about the sex.
I will note about the sex that it is just like Action. Instead of lifting Clark up, once again he is being grounded. Literally.
Chloe is reading in the Talon with her coffee.
Back at the farm, Lana X-Ray's Clark. Clark feels violated. Good times are had by all. Lana is playing the "I need to know all about you to be with you card" to him again and it's pointed how Clark thinks everything is now fair and equal between them, when Chloe shows up.
Cue the guilty break away:
And the walking away from one another.
Chloe starts to explain the reality of what was going on. And she's immediately putting it together and grossed out. And has to ask more.
Chloe: I thought you guys couldn't...
Lana: Yeah, we normally can't.
Clark: You guys talk about this?
I love his head back and forth about it, he's so not okay with his sex life being open for discussion. Lana leaves the scene.
Triangles of that whole sequence:
Chloe says she needs an explaination, and Clark fumbles and Chloe is disappointed in him. She brings up Eric Summers; Clark stands up that they "know" Lana so everything will be fine, once again under lining his fall. Chloe brings up his dad as well, yay continuity. Given that she's mimicing Clark's initial reactions (before Clark sided with Lana) reminds me of the first part of the dream in Labyrinth. They really do get each other and work well together in part because they think similarly.
Lana goes up to what I think is her room:
See the pink robe? The Lana photos? The perfumes? Clark would never get rid of the plaid curtains or the photos of his father. Given that Lana normally "can't" with Clark, it makes sense that she'd have her own room. She did that with Lex too.
Her make up during the super hearing scene: Awesome!
She hears Clark trusting and turning to Chloe and immediately gets pissed off; she throws the photo of her. (What is interesting is the Spirit photo that Clark threw away, she still is clinging to. She doesn't break the #8 Clark either.) And great mirror shot:
Remind anyone else of the Niki/Jessica Heroes shots?
So let's look at the two girls here. Chloe in grey, red shirt, red bag, red lips, blue cup. Lana in white, blue shirt, necklace, red cup.
Lana points out that she knows that Chloe is hiding that Clark asked her to watch over her. On the heels of Cure saying that Chloe's a good liar, it's pretty cute. Also pointed out is Lana saying why thse powers would be GREAT for a journalist, and that she's got a story to tell. Lana channels Lex with her whole "I've been given a gift" monologue.
Lana's "I have a story to tell" even though she's 'not' a reporter, is interesting. Meta maybe?
Brainiac would be more interesting, (1) if they didn't ruin it already, (2) if they remembered that Kryptonite didn't effect it, at all.
Project Scion = about Kryptonians on Earth
Project Ares = clone arm
Project Mercury = tracking Brainiac
Am I forgetting any?
Lana's stalking Lex, and then she steals from him. Good times! She's wearing black now, so there we go, she's evvvvil.
Fancy new LuthorCorp intro. Lionel is stretching out his hand. And apparently only Lionel can talk to Martha.
Now has Clark temporarilly forgotten that electric shock will take it away? This was a weak link, but it was to set up Lionel to out Lana as a villain so I guess I can overlook it.
Clark thinks she's incapable, and gets called out on being blind. Samson and Delilah is funny given that Lionel's mane is missing.
Kent Farm
Clark is shot like a theif in his own home with the stair shot, which is weird. Lana's purse is black, and Clark takes the pamphlet when...
Oh hai, Lex.
Doors off their hinges and he immedately turns to Clark. That's kind of funny. And Lex is telling Clark the hard truth - that he doesn't know here either. They are catty, and it's great. "I can see it in your eyes, you don't trust her either."
Daily Planet
Grant and EDlois. When her article gets put down (and I am thinking despite trying to take Chloe's fashion sense and hairdo, she's never actually gotten published) she once again accuses it of being someone elses fault - Grant not being "down" with "the people."
Joan Jett sang with the Black Hearts. Lana's all in black. Maybe the band refs are going somewhere. :)Lana beats down two of the most annoying people on the show. It's fun. And add another time where Edlois hasn't won a single fight she's tried to take part in.
Lana adds another paper to the list.
Daily Planet = The Best; "straight to the top"
National Inquisitor = Tabloid Garbage
Metropolis Journal = Respected but Lex influeced (Drone)
Smallville Ledger = Good, but small
and Lana tells us about "The Herald" which is used as an equal. NOT the Inquisitor. Which sounds a lot like The Harold. Which amuses me.
Medical Center
Chloe wears red, her bag is red. EDlois wears yellow, her bag is yellow. "Amazonian." EDlo's entire job in this scene is to let Chloe and Clark know what Lana's up to now. It's funny. Also:
Twins! (it's funny how much the straight blonder hair helps that in the DP scene as well.)
Still at the hospital:
EDlo has her stuff. So. Stupid. Here.
Summed up in one cap. She's oblivious.
"Escaping!" I really don't have words for that. Grant:
Apparently doesn't either.
"Then I guess the claws will have to do." Yet another cat refrence. And again another "You do?" With a total oblviousness.
Daily Planet
Using one of my favorite openers too!!
Clark's looking for Lana and suggests that maybe the reason no one can find Scion is because it's above board. Chloe shrugs it off noting that people don't change; she also makes a comment about Prince Harry sweeping her off her feet and growing 6 inches. Chloe points out how insane this all is. Clark's groan at asking Chloe that question, and he admits what's going on, and Chloe decides to take him to Isis.
He's looking to see if the liquid itself is alive or if it's being controled. Lana hates nice cars.
Chloe fills in the backstory that Isis was started months ago; I would guess that Lana started it even before she blew herself up when she was working for Lionel and sulking around the Manor.
Chloe is trying to think the best of Lana here, and Clark finds Lana's Lair of Lex Luthor (LoLL). Lana's depraved and Clark needs to know that Chloe was clueless. Chloe lays down another duality line.
The Plant #4 was clear the first time, thanks guys.
Plant #4
Lex says he has nothing to hide; Project Scion is in Plant #4. It's on a LuthorCorp base. I love the 51805 - cause wasn't that the date of Commencement.
Lana - how much of it is her being pissed he's working and she doesn't know? Lana's "that's all over" definately came off to me as her in denial and was really backed up by Lex knowing that Lana still has to know what he's doing.
Lex is clearly Seigeth here. I love it. Lana has no qualms about murder (like Lex). And cue the Lexana:
Clark is very Supermanish. He's a hero. Lana's trying to play vigilante. It almost reminds me of the comments about Batman vs. the Joker. Lana's comments under kryponitie are telling; while true, it's quite interesting that it's how she see shim.
Clark transfers back and I like that he doesn't realize what he's done in terms of Brainiac.
Another really nicely rendered DP shot.
Grant has the hard drive on his sdesk and is erasing things on his mac. "Online poker"; and finding a pizza place. How does one get a pizza place? Unless Grant put out false leads... possible.
And... confirmation that Grant hired her on her looks. And hello Cat Grant. Grant working with the Luthors (instead of Morgan Edge for intergang).
Luthor Manor
Lex: "I'm the one who ended up something they wanted." Lexana is so coming back. He's not pressing charges because he'll get over it. Lex is still obsessed with Clark. Now Lana's obsessed with Lex.
Okay a few notes here. Remember s5 and S6 where lana would wear white *over* her black shirts cloaking her 'true' self? Now we've got Chloe with black over white.
And Lana in purple light:
"I didn't realize Big Sister was watching." Literally, Lana and Chloe are sisters per Rosetta. Big Sister instead of Big Brother.
Worth noting is that Isis was Nephtys' sister too, eventually. I did the whole Egyptain break down, but more than everI think it's clear that Lana is the Hathor-less version of Isis, Chloe is Nephtys (more than I think she's Hathor, personally because she's the companion to Isis, the protector, the truth bearer, the light in the dark), Lex is Osirus and Clark is half Ra, half Set. It's so cool.
"Even kill." What a constrast to Chloe would would "even die."
Brainiac is running around.
The song says:
I can't see you
yet i feel you walking my way
Empty stage
With nothing but this girl
Who's singing a simple melody
And wearing her heart on her sleeves
And right now
I have you
For a moment i can tell i've got you
Cause your lips don't move
But something is happening
Cause your eyes tell me the truth
I've put a spell over you
Clark is trying to find the good in the situtation. But completely the reversal of Accelerate where Clark finally now does start to see real Lana. Clark rejects the powers claim, compairs her to Lex, won't tell her that he knows he can get over it, and won't tell her that he loves her. Lana specifically points out that it's her fault, that she did it, that she'd do it again, and that Clark has to start looking at the real her.
And the Clana's going to start cracking apart (which I think Blue supports.) More on Blue in that review though.