I'm going to try some new orders here too. Also? Caps this week. I was feeling escapish.
Movie Set
One of the first things I noticed was that they changed Warrior Angel's suit! It's now more grey and a lot less purple. (I have a screen cap of traditional Warrior Angel here for comparison.) I have a confession: I've always loved the idea of Warrior Angel within the Smallvile storyline. I love how Warrior Angel vs. Devilicus is a mixed up parallel.
Lex wears grey and purple. He's bald. He thinks he's a hero. Lex relates to him, sees Warrior Angel as someone he can look up to. It's something he can share with his first BFF, Duncan. It's important to him. He keeps two copies about it. Given that Lillian is crazy sauce incarnate, given that Lionel went literally overnight from forceful but caring father not just at the 1989 meteor shower but at the death of Julian, we're shown that Warrior Angel was an escapist world for Lex, where he could beleive in wrong and right as a black and white issue, where things could get better. Lex at first thinks of himself as Warrior Angel though over time (and confirmed by this episode) he sees the world a lot more grey, understand Devilicus more. Now Devilicus, whom we'd not seen prior, is purple and black and uses a gun. Also interesting.
Ryan always saw Clark as this Warrior Angel parallel. Warrior Angel was from another world with super human powers who saved people who needed help. (Remember the mask overlay in S2 onto Clark himself?). Warrior Angel not only has a cape, but a red cape. Chloe tells us more that Warrior Angel grew up in a small town to be the greates Superhero of them all. We know that his former best friend Devilicus betrays him and tries to push him onwards, and we know from this ep kills a girl important to him (more on that and what parallels can be pulled out in a bit).
But going back, I loved that they changed the suit - why? Because it seems like a blatent nod to Superman Returns. In fact, I caught several of these.
I would really love to know what is up with Chloe's huge gold purse. Chloe continues her abuse of the word "super." There are super boys, girls, Clark's, divas...
Okay something was cut here and I couldn't put my finger on it but with caps I can!. Cap one, they are back to back.
Cap two he is *facing her* when she turns around.
See? Something was cut! I wanna know what! lol.
Chloe continues to tell us that she is working for Kara's best interest, and has the ability to put together 'google proof' identities. That would be *really* handy for going under cover.
As my brother said "Clark saved the day AND got beaned in the head by the car. I love this show."
Credits: WHEE.
Initial Clana scene: How many fences does Kent Farm need? I mean really? Lana is pesterin for sex again, and given the tone here and later in the episode I don't think they are together at all. It reminds me sepcifically of late in the year s5 where Lana was needy and Clark was like "erm. Bye." Also very interesitng: People only see what they think is possible.
So we know from the first scene that Penelope is a reporter of some sort. Rachel calls the stand up scene "heart breaking." Literally the hero leaves her hanging. Rachel herself who is now Miss Superdiva got her start on a medical drama tv show and has "two seasons" of bad memories. Rachel picks up a book and starts talking about someone seeing the real her and this launches into Rachel being Lana Lite. More on this below/ at the bottom.
Chloo comes in and talks about the news reality of the case: Someone wants Rachel dead. (It's interesting though as this episode progresses it has really nothing to do with Rachel or Lana directly). It has to with a crazy fan trying to make the movie shape up to be *exactly the same* as the comics.
Photo of cute:
The Adventures of the Minion and his Protege
Skipping ahead here, we go to the Daily Planet where EDlo continually spells out her name because otherwise no one would believe she was whom she claimed. Several interesting things.
Name plate as pointed out by
chlarklove: Now I marked it out as best as I could with color blocks because there was so much *clutter* I couldn't see. (Also another story of substance that Chloe is cooking on:)
Now let's check out this top combo, cause what sticks out to me is Allison Mack has upper arms that stick out. Not to be mean. They just do. So if you look at S6, they started buying her shirts that went over the top of her arms. Now... let's look at this gold shirt again:
Huh. And just for kicks let's look at Grant:
Awful lot of purple there Grant.
Several huge anvils pop out here. Grant is so obviously a Luthor Drone now that it almost makes watching others not see it as bad as them not seeing evil Lana. Secondly the next one "If you were on point you wouldn't of let the Ledger scoop you on the Davenport story." EDlo *is supposed* to be on the hero story [ concerts to DUIs to big name movies seems like a jump. ] Chloe is still following the story but they don't bring that up, just that EDlo was assigned to be on the A-Plot of the story and moved herself competely off of it. Another anvil that "white collar crime is this season's hollywood DUI" - meaning I expect o see a lot of LuthorCorp digging or attempted digging going back and forth.
Which gets in more interesting. In S1, Lex had puff pieces written about him in the Inquisitor. Then he also got the Metropolis Journal. We saw last year and from the Noir dream that Lex is getting noticed by the DP and I think infact now has influences there (Jimmy's demotion points towards it as well.) But what lex is doing after Dark Thursday and here - orphanages, charities; Lex Luthor is becoming a philantropist which seems to me laying the foundation for his eventual Presidental run.
"Nobody goes to bed Satan and wakes up Oprah." Kind of like no one goes to bed an Inquistor hack and wakes up DP quality?
And Grant while still clearly a lacky lays down the one rule of the Daily Planet: "You need PROOF to write a STORY." Not a hunch, Jimmy. Not suspicious facts aka Kara, EDlo. Proof. She has an interesting lead, and then Grant's Clearly Minion Status pops out.
Lionel Takes on Misery
He's hanging out with a pot farmer. It's not nearly as fun as it sounds. But given Lillian and Rachel DunLevy, I'm surprized he doesn't find Marylin more attractive. He does like the crazy girls. If you notice Marylin is in ragged plaid and an American t-shirt; which how interesting that they are kind of playing on the 'hidden in sheeps clothing' angle.
Clark Can't Act
Hello Mortal! heh. Rachel doesn't get her kiss from Clark and runs off to get cookies.* Lana shows up.
Chloe got derailed by her editor, and emails Clark/Lana her findings. Chloe's message board? I think looks a lot like new twop meets KSite. It's kind of hilarious.
"It turns out that not all fans are enthusiastic about the film's interpretation!" BWHA. I'm sorry guys, I laughed. Especially at Clark's reaction look:
He wants to be loved guys!
Blogs, message boards, and FanForums. Lol. Clark notes the difference is in the ending - he read the script and knows they get a happy ending in Hollywoodland. Ben, DevilicusRebel (he's playing the part of Devilicus in his head) addresses a Davenport fan on the boards. Oh lollerskates. Her blood will unleash the truth?
AKA Lex is still a geek
No Lex, knowing the refrences by name and keeping them in a sealed drawer, that toally makes you not a fan anymore. LOL.
Issue #5. (This is episode #5. Heh.) We've also heared aobut Issue #66 - the one where Devilicus and Warrior Angel break up (Episode 66 is Covenant) andIssue 126 where Black Diamond is inadvertantly part of death of WA's dad (I think before they renewed Glover that was to set up killing Lionel last year, but not for sure).
The issue were Devilicus first over throws WA is one of Lex's favorites? Heh. Lex brings up that Penelope was trying to expose how dark the villain really was from the FCU (lol!) and ends up shot. There hero is just this side of too late and she dies in his arms. Hollywood (aka the show itself IMO) is going for the happy ending. Lex's line at the end once again makes me think Lex sees himself as the hero.
Back on the movie set? Ben, I think was fantastically casted.
Is it just me or is LuthorCorp getting bigger?
It looks bigger to me, Lex.
So right here I have to pause an interject something. I've seen it mentioned else where that the name in this scene was taken from a comic. Yup it was. I want to talk a bit about this comic.
In the comic Silver Age Lois Lane is going under cover for a story (I think a story about movie stars), but she figures as she's a known reporter and the movie star doesn't like reporters, she'll go undercover. She had a camera hidden in a water pistol or something like that. Anyway as she's going to her story, she gets stopped by two criminals. She's posing as a con artist and gets picked up by these two guys to impersonate Lois Lane. It's a bit complicated but ILL is posing as Sadie who is being trained to pose as ILL. These gansters go through the whole riggamaroe with her - how to talk, how to walk, how to dress, how to act, how intelligent she is. ILL is purposefully playing dumb so it won't get caught that she's really the Lois Lane they want to use. She does things like act stupid about who people are, dress in flashy gold dresses, work on changing her dialect. At the end the con guys think she fooled Superman for them, in reality she tips him off. They say "no, she's Sadie Blodgett the con artist!" and she comes clean. What is really interesting to me is that they picked this story as it's one I've posted several times before on KSite; why? It's one of the issues where ILL goes blonde.
Blonde Lois:
http://carboncopy.chlois.org/ev/evimg/silverage/lois_lane_013_13.jpgShe knows who they are:
http://carboncopy.chlois.org/ev/evimg/silverage/lois_lane_013_15.jpg Oh no an anti-superman gang!
On clothing:
http://carboncopy.chlois.org/ev/evimg/silverage/lois_lane_013_17.jpgShe's a LADY:
http://carboncopy.chlois.org/ev/evimg/silverage/lois_lane_013_18.jpgSadie's a crook:
http://carboncopy.chlois.org/ev/evimg/silverage/lois_lane_013_21.jpg What is cracking me up here is that EDlo is the opposite. She goes from Sadie-isms to trying to pretend to be ILL. Moving on with the scene.
Cardswipe. Hmm who was the last person we saw with a card? Hmm.
"Wow I am really good at this." Hello Roger. And of course that was the sign that Lex was going to walk in on her. Honored by the Green Cross? I think he'd know something about Trauma. I also find it funny (beyond the painted on glasses) that the Glasses don't stop Lex a *wink*. Since I really doubt everyone is going to have their memories erased, that really, really sticks out at me about how they'll play all of this. And no answer where she got it, HA.
Also very interesting it me is Lex's opinions. Lex doesn't see EDlo as any different than everyone else; yet Chloe he watches, he has plans for, he says he's "come to admire"? Hm. And she takes the badge back, which is interesting as well. And like Crusade where she also was a complete and total dumbass, she tells Lex everything he needs to know to get his father back and start putting the pieces together on Lana.
What cracks me up here is all she sees are the initals LL. That's obviously Lex Luthor. Not Lana Lang. Or Lucy Lane. Or Lois Lane. Or Lucas Luthor. Or...
You get the point. (and remember when Tina practiced Lana's name? Even I knew it was Lana from those L's.)
And she's kicked out. I think (sans Roger and Carrie) that's an SV first.
Bear Trap vs. Lionel Luthor
GROSS. There is a lot of wood running and then Lana with a shovel. "I'm not paying you to make mistakes." Wow how crazy is she?
Clark vs. Newscrews
Get used to it Clark. And I'm definately of the mindset that Lana called them out there so Clark couldn't find her/miss her yet again knowing that Lionel was on the loose. Just like I'm sure she was probably happy that Chloe was at the DP. More Rachel = Lana. Clark gets an issue that is done more in the style of the older comics. It makes me happy, lol.
Daaaily Planet! Metropolis!
More notation of her overtime; she's all about work anymore isn't she? Not that I'm complaining. Is it just me or are they reusing the Ryan's WA #1 cover? :) Ha! And Chloe compairs Clark to Robin. That's funny. "Cosmic Comics!" Which takes us to a new part of Metropolis! I love Metropolis. Did anyone else catch Mr. Freeze in the line up of the toys? Also who is that girl in the middle? Hello BLACK CANARY.
...I'm a dork sorry. HAHA a poster for "Metropolis COMIC CON" Score!
Ben thinks he's Devilicus, and thus he'll off Lana and help Clark. See and we know that Lex is our Devilicus so I don't think Lana will die; I think the show is really pushing out the evil Lana right now and exploring the Lexana honestly. The comics had her as Lex's first lady, as in with the scum of Washington, as now the head of LuthorCorp, as a "panty planter" and I definately think they are pushing that road further. More later.
So long, Marylin
Lex does what Lionel did in Crusade - takes the tip and goes about his own agenda. Marylin gives a nice anvilious line to Lex who can't quite save Lionel - "we can't all be heroes." Lionel beats Marylin to death and it's quite a bit like Lex going crazy on "Lewis" in Exile. Even to the bloody face shot:
Ollie's swingin' pad
Is it just me or does Rachel look a bit like Nell with the leopard print. Rachel gives us a pretty big break up clue for Clana. Yup they are star crossed like a movie - but it's all a lie, it's something manufactured. Not real.
I am still not exactly sure how Ben founds them. Lana did the worst struggling I've seen out of KK in a while. The juicing up the stun gun was hilarious though. "You need to die." You've got the wrong girl, Ben!
Back at the Planet... Clark is a little theif! lol. He's like "Hard drive?" I am happy they used an actual hard drive there. Clark thinking that it's a smart idea to just plug and play a hard drive like a CD Rom is cracking me up a little. Chloe snarks on Clark a little bit, and interesting that she notes "do you wanna cue my editorial" -- Why the world NEEDS Superman anyone?
Also obviously Chloe got some face time with Rachel -> She got an autographed photo.
Back at Ollie's swinging pad: Lana is in yet another attempted homicde. She goes off the building and rather than pull a Dichotic (where he catches her at the bottom - well caught Chloe) or comes up under her in really any way - they crash land on the truck together. She brought him down to earth. She's grounding him - literally.
"This is Crap!"
And no, not reading it upside down, but having a "Luthor's statment came from his Publicist" isn't quality writing there, "L." Did Lex use your tip? Does she listen to the words coming out of her mouth? This is why you don't tell the villain what you are doing!
I love the pause on "More like annoyed." But it's interesting that after Chloe looks out for her, and Clark and Martha look out for her, she just assumes that Grant looks out for her as well. What is interesting here is that she's not getting face time and she's not getting bylines; and it's clear that Grant is trying to hit on her (hence why she has a job) Also I don't know what look Erica was attempting here:
.... I really don't. Thought it's funny that they admit Grant/MC is the prettier of the two. Way to sexually harass your poss, EDlo.
Loft of Evil
"YOU!" I love this scene. Not much gets by Lionel Luthor - and how creepy is it that they have Lana go right into her whisper voice and big eyes. Seriously you can tell KK and JG are having fun here and you know what? It's totally a blast. She sounds almost as crazy of Marylin here. And Lana puts out easilly that he has no proof yet. I really do think they are using Lionel to warn where the characters are going -> Lana's now going evil for real. It's fun!
I love Belle Reve. It's always creeptastic. Ben is being courted by Lex Luthor - and I REALLY hope he shows up again. Really do.and his fanboyness over the comics? awwwh. But once that kicks in he's read enough to know what villains do next. Temptation and a choice to be made, lol. Does he want the comics, his heart's desire, or does he do what is needed.
Also interesting that Devilicus teamed up with the President in 175. ( For those playing the home game IF they get an s8, it would be the episode before the series finale).
Ben knows, learned the WA story in a way better than Lex ever did. But that's okay, that makes it interesting. I think, as Lex is clearly our Devilicus. Maybe he gets it wrong or different some how.
"Smallville had more to offer than a tax break." Awh they love you Vancouver!
"I sure hope that comment about a sequel was a joke." -- Again I think a poke at Superman Returns. [For those that don't know the first two Superman films were largely filmed back to back.]
Lana gives Clark a nice fluffy speech, and Clark gets a CAPE! YAY. But how death of Superman was that shot? Pretty bad.
Okay so Rachel/Penelope:
MoviePenelope Wardrobe 1:
MoviePenlope Wardrobe 2:
Rachel Davenport = Lana Lang.
We had a set up anvil last week with Lana Lang being as good a cook as Rachel Ray. S1Lana used to have defensive reading of classic books; Rachel is lugging around Shakespear. Early Lana too used to talk about people seeing the Time Life version of her on the cover as a three year old not the real Lana; Rachel talks about someone seeing the real her rather than "the tabloid version." Lile Lana to outside press (Perry) she doesn't grant interviews, but she'll make exceptions for Clark & Co (think of the whole Hydro and Wither debackles last year). When her plan gets disrupted, she runs off to hide in the kitchen with the baked goods (line reading). She takes over the farm with twinkly lights too. And of course there is the Autographed photo that makes him say "LANA!"
It's also worth noting that they cross Rachel off the princess list:
Movie Penelope:
- dialog: Steven! You won't believe the photos I just got of _____. Meet me at the French place? in an hour. Help? [Who is the real Steven? We don't know]
- Stood up by the hero; which is 'heart breaking'
- In some kind or romantic scene: Talks about a powerful secret that keeps him away from others; she thinks he's that someone who can love her properly but he wants to lie and run away. Says that if he loves her, he can't hurt her.
- So same night as she gets stood up she goes face to face with Devilicus. She'll never live to expose him; someone else will - sooner or later he will be seen for who he really is. (Only she does live.)
- Online comic fans hate Movie Penelope cause it's not "right" to have the happy ending / have her live / return.
Comic Penelope: Basically the same *but* she gets shot and dies. We know the story goes on so obviously a new LI comes into the story, and given that dialogue I would bet another girl reporter ("If I don't expose you, someone else will.") This is the "right" way to do it, that the traditionalists are yelling at.
Now if you go back in Smallville's history, especially S1 - SV got a lot of flack for 'messing it all up'. They are changing things around for a better ending. I would find it actually more believable that their twist was inline with the comic purists or the comic-assumers of the boards if we'd seen the B-Plot handled in a different manor. But, we didn't.
I think this is very clearly a "hey, we hear you byrne era/comic book fans. But this is a different story." It's clearly a poke at the ED side (and I think clearly comicPenelope is EDlo) I think it's very telling that the story got on and was already in talks to do the next one; again I see the Spider-Man movie parallels here as well but I just think it's interesting that the Penelope references [and that name - the loyal wife who waits 20 years for Odysseus to return] aren't what people assume on the surface because I do think they are linking them by the *fan groups* as they made the fans who *can not adapt to major changes in backstory/character story* into villains. I don't know if it's fair to that fan group but at this point they've picked a girl and they are running with her.