AKA The one that reaffirms that EDLois will never be Lois Lane.
Seriously. She will never be Lois Lane. Even with their switches, she's not Lois Lane. And I'm starting to get the vibe - which I noticed in Sneeze - that they know it. Which is refreshing.
- Another dig at intigrity (both by our two hereos)
- Another false story (she knows GA didn't kidnap her)
- More Chloe flaoting the work of her stories (and the implication that she has for a while)
- She's against the guy who is known as a hero
No WAY she's Lois.
I also think it's far too amusing that Chloe dropped the bandit (in the narrative) and that's what we see all along. EDLois is the only one sticking to the bandit - a falsity. And her story never left the inquisitor.
So not Lois.
Moving on to... Lexana.
Lana got "tested" and brough down hilarious the same move that Lionel did to Chloe in S3. Same exact thing. Lana's friggen evil wrapped up in the guise of humanitarianism - which that odd Talisman frame of mind for Lex? Where Segieth is the hero? I think that's totally coming back. Lana's completely zenophobic (which we all called) and has always been manipulative and it really works.
And Lex playing her like Victoria or Helen is even better. Go puppet master Lex, that's AWESOME. (And I love likeJana, they run together. That's cute.)
And playing his dad too; because I agree, Lionel wants to be the kind of man that Martha sees the potiental for, that maybe even Jonathan was. But uh, he's not. He gave Martha a black market necklace. That's pretty cool in an 'evil' kind of way. AND - Lionel is priming her to be his NEXT political player, and I have a feeling EDLois is going to get in the way of that plan.
Clark was awesome. Very Supermanly. Can not wait for the JLA. But you know what I'd also like - it may come as a shock - MORE CLARK! He was however, GOREGOUS in Ollie's apartment. Ther ewas a shot that actually reminded me of Rosetta with CR with the blue and the angle. *sigh* So pretty. And I can respect Clark's position given what he's lived throug that he doesn't feel two wrongs make it right. He's learned that the hard way.
LOVED the line about the 'cult' status. SO much.
Ollie is getting better and better each week and I think it's be cause JH is getting comfortable on the set. I also think Green Arrow looks like the friggen unibomber. Sad. But his stuff is pretty damn cool. Even the voice changer. And I'm glad they kept at least some of the "bleeding heart" part of him in because it did save him from being too much of a Batman clone for me which I feared. And I can respect Ollie's opinion - people need help NOW, not tomorrow, not a week from now, but NOW.
Chloe was cute and fun and in red. I loved how psyched she was about the hereos and the idea of a league - now that's what I'm talking about in a Lois Lane. And the fact that she can't stop hunting out a good mystery - and it was kind of her, after EDLois being so cruel (I mean honestly, you call the girl to stop your kidnapping but you can't assume a trust anywhere else? No wonder Chloe didn't share) not to scoop her. Chloe believes that people can get better/do better. It's very optimistic and refreshing.
Also loved that's she's offically dubbed Clark the Man of Steel! Two for her.
Also, IMO, anvilious was the fact that tracking the Green Arrow is literally *NOT* her story. Heh, meta.
And Chloe is dying to find out who he is; he's a hero to her, has been for a while and she wants to know. HMM. *looks at comics* Seems a little familiar.
So over all, I'm pretty pleased given that it was stuffed to the gills with an actress I don't care for. Oh, I've said it before and I'll say it again tho - someone on SV hates Erica by allway putting her in water. (Also she looked really good in the teaser, and really BAD in Ollie's apartment. Ouch.)
Production notes tomorrow - I have a lot but I want to give EXAMPLES. I was really REALLY happy with how they used the DP in this ep.